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Relative path: ./../../../../../../usr/man/man9f/pciv_vf_config.9f
Real path: /usr/share/man/man9f/pciv_vf_config.9f
'\" te .\" Copyright (c) 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. .TH pciv_vf_config 9F "19 May 2011" "Oracle Solaris 11.4" "Kernel Functions" .SH NAME pciv_vf_config \- obtain and configure VF configuration parameters for a device driver instance .SH SYNOPSIS .LP .nf #include <sys/sunddi.h> int pciv_vf_config(dev_info_t *\fIdip\fR, pciv_config_vf_t *\fIvfcfg_p\fR); .fi .SH PARAMETERS .sp .ne 2 .mk .na \fB\fIdip\fR\fR .ad .br .sp .6 .RS 4n pointer to a \fBdev_info\fR structure .RE .sp .ne 2 .mk .na \fB\fIvfcfg_p\fR\fR .ad .br .sp .6 .RS 4n pointer to a \fBpciv_config_vf\fR structure .sp .in +2 .nf typedef enum { PCIV_VFCFG_PARAM, PCIV_VF_ENABLE, PCIV_EVT_VFENABLE_PRE, PCIV_EVT_VFENABLE_POST, PCIV_EVT_VFDISABLE_PRE, PCIV_EVT_VFDISABLE_POST } pciv_vf_config_cmd; .fi .in -2 .sp .sp .in +2 .nf typedef struct pciv_config_vf { int version; pciv_vf_config_cmd cmd; uint16_t num_vf; uint16_t first_vf_offset; uint16_t vf_stride; boolean_t ari_cap; uint32_t page_size; } pciv_config_vf_t; .fi .in -2 .sp .sp .ne 2 .mk .na \fB\fIcmd\fR\fR .ad .RS 19n .rt pre/post VF Enable/Disable .RE .sp .ne 2 .mk .na \fB\fInum_vf\fR\fR .ad .RS 19n .rt number of VFs to be used .RE .sp .ne 2 .mk .na \fB\fIfirst_vf_offset\fR\fR .ad .RS 19n .rt offset between 1st VF and PF .RE .sp .ne 2 .mk .na \fB\fIvf_stride\fR\fR .ad .RS 19n .rt distance between VFs .RE .sp .ne 2 .mk .na \fB\fIari_cap\fR\fR .ad .RS 19n .rt ARI-capable hierarchy .RE .sp .ne 2 .mk .na \fB\fIpage_size\fR\fR .ad .RS 19n .rt system page size .RE .RE .SH DESCRIPTION .sp .LP The \fBpciv_vf_config()\fR function is used by SR-IOV (Single-Root IO Virtualization) device PF (Physical Function) drivers to obtain VF (Virtual Function) configuration parameters and to configure their VFs. When the \fIcmd\fR field in set as \fBPCIV_VFCFG_PARAM\fR the call returns with appropriate values in the rest of fields of \fBpciv_config_vf_t\fR. .sp .LP The \fInum_vf\fR field indicates the number of VFs that is defined in the backend store such as MD or the \fB/etc/pci.conf\fR file for this device. The \fIfirst_vf_offset\fR, \fIvf_stride\fR, \fIari_cap\fR, and \fIpage_size\fR are the corresponding values retrieved from the SRIOV capability structure of the PF device. .sp .LP After first calling \fBpciv_vf_config()\fR with \fIcmd\fR set to \fBPCIV_VFCFG_PARAM\fR, the caller can then call the interface again with \fIcmd\fR set to \fBPCIV_VF_ENABLE\fR to enable its VF devices, without modifying any of the \fInum_vf\fR, \fIfirst_vf_offset\fR, \fIvf_stride\fR, \fIari_cap\fR, or \fIpage_size\fR values that were returned when \fIcmd\fR was set as \fBPCIV_VFCFG_PARAM\fR. .SH RETURN VALUES .sp .LP The \fBpciv_vf_config()\fR function returns: .sp .ne 2 .mk .na \fB\fBDDI_SUCCESS\fR\fR .ad .RS 15n .rt The request was accepted and this PF's VFs are enabled. .RE .sp .ne 2 .mk .na \fB\fBDDI_INVAL\fR\fR .ad .RS 15n .rt The command was other than \fBPCIV_VFCFG_PARAM\fR or \fBPCIV_VF_ENABLE\fR, the device is not IOV capable, \fInum_vf\fR was set to 0, and the call was made to enable the VF; or parameters of \fBPCIV_VF_ENABLE\fR do not correspond to the values returned by \fBPCIV_VFCFG_PARAM\fR. .RE .sp .ne 2 .mk .na \fB\fBDDI_FAILURE\fR\fR .ad .RS 15n .rt Implementation-specific failures occurred. .RE .SH CONTEXT .sp .LP The \fBpciv_vf_config()\fR function can be called from kernel non-interrupt context. .SH ATTRIBUTES .sp .LP See \fBattributes\fR(7) for descriptions of the following attributes: .sp .TS tab( ) box; cw(2.75i) |cw(2.75i) lw(2.75i) |lw(2.75i) . ATTRIBUTE TYPE ATTRIBUTE VALUE _ Interface Stability Uncommitted _ MT-Level Unsafe .TE .sp .SH SEE ALSO .sp .LP \fBattributes\fR(7), \fBddi_cb_register\fR(9F), \fBpci_param_get\fR(9F)