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PWD: /www/data-lst1/unixsoft/unixsoft/kaempfer/.public_html
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Relative path: ./../../../../../../usr/include/OpenSP/ContentToken.h
Real path: /usr/include/OpenSP/ContentToken.h
// Copyright (c) 1994 James Clark // See the file COPYING for copying permission. #ifndef ContentToken_INCLUDED #define ContentToken_INCLUDED 1 #ifdef __GNUG__ #pragma interface #endif #include "Owner.h" #include "Text.h" #include "Vector.h" #include "NCVector.h" #include "Boolean.h" #ifdef SP_NAMESPACE namespace SP_NAMESPACE { #endif class LeafContentToken; struct SP_API Transition { enum { invalidIndex = -1 }; // When performing this transition, reset all andState with index >= this. unsigned clearAndStateStartIndex; // This transition is possible only if all AND groups whose AND depth // is >= this (and contains the LeafContentToken that this transition is // from) have had all their non-nullable members matched. unsigned andDepth; // If this is 1, then this transition requires that the AND group // whose AND depth is andDepth - 1 have a non-nullable member unmatched, // and thus this transition is not ambiguous with a transition whose // AND depth is < andDepth. PackedBoolean isolated; // Index in andState that must be clear for this transition to be // allowed. unsigned requireClear; // Index in andState that is to be set after performing this transition. unsigned toSet; }; class SP_API FirstSet { public: FirstSet(); void init(LeafContentToken *); void append(const FirstSet &); size_t size() const; LeafContentToken *token(size_t i) const; size_t requiredIndex() const; void setNotRequired(); private: Vector<LeafContentToken *> v_; // index of contextually required token or -1 if none size_t requiredIndex_; }; class SP_API LastSet : public Vector<LeafContentToken *> { public: LastSet() { } LastSet(size_t n) : Vector<LeafContentToken *>(n) { } void append(const LastSet &); }; class ElementType; class AndModelGroup; struct GroupInfo; struct SP_API ContentModelAmbiguity { const LeafContentToken *from; const LeafContentToken *to1; const LeafContentToken *to2; unsigned andDepth; }; class ModelGroup; class SP_API ContentToken { public: enum OccurrenceIndicator { none = 0, opt = 01, plus = 02, rep = 03 }; ContentToken(OccurrenceIndicator); virtual ~ContentToken(); OccurrenceIndicator occurrenceIndicator() const; Boolean inherentlyOptional() const; static unsigned andDepth(const AndModelGroup *); static unsigned andIndex(const AndModelGroup *); void analyze(GroupInfo &, const AndModelGroup *, unsigned, FirstSet &, LastSet &); static void addTransitions(const LastSet &from, const FirstSet &to, Boolean maybeRequired, unsigned andClearIndex, unsigned andDepth, Boolean isolated = 0, unsigned requireClear = (unsigned)Transition::invalidIndex, unsigned toSet = (unsigned)Transition::invalidIndex); virtual void finish(Vector<unsigned> &minAndDepth, Vector<size_t> &elementTransition, Vector<ContentModelAmbiguity> &, Boolean &pcdataUnreachable) = 0; virtual unsigned long grpgtcnt() const; virtual void setOrGroupMember(); unsigned andGroupIndex() const; virtual const ModelGroup *asModelGroup() const; virtual const LeafContentToken *asLeafContentToken() const; protected: PackedBoolean inherentlyOptional_; private: ContentToken(const ContentToken &); // undefined void operator=(const ContentToken &); // undefined virtual void analyze1(GroupInfo &, const AndModelGroup *, unsigned, FirstSet &, LastSet &) = 0; OccurrenceIndicator occurrenceIndicator_; }; class SP_API ModelGroup : public ContentToken { public: enum Connector { andConnector, orConnector, seqConnector }; ModelGroup(NCVector<Owner<ContentToken> > &, OccurrenceIndicator); virtual Connector connector() const = 0; unsigned nMembers() const; void finish(Vector<unsigned> &minAndDepth, Vector<size_t> &elementTransition, Vector<ContentModelAmbiguity> &, Boolean &pcdataUnreachable); ContentToken &member(unsigned i); const ContentToken &member(unsigned i) const; unsigned long grpgtcnt() const; const ModelGroup *asModelGroup() const; protected: void setOrGroup(); private: ModelGroup(const ModelGroup &); // undefined void operator=(const ModelGroup &); // undefined NCVector<Owner<ContentToken> > members_; }; class AndModelGroup : public ModelGroup { public: AndModelGroup(NCVector<Owner<ContentToken> > &, OccurrenceIndicator); Connector connector() const; unsigned andDepth() const; unsigned andIndex() const; unsigned andGroupIndex() const; const AndModelGroup *andAncestor() const; private: AndModelGroup(const AndModelGroup &); // undefined void operator=(const AndModelGroup &); // undefined unsigned andDepth_; // number of and groups that contain this unsigned andIndex_; unsigned andGroupIndex_; const AndModelGroup *andAncestor_; void analyze1(GroupInfo &, const AndModelGroup *, unsigned, FirstSet &, LastSet &); }; class OrModelGroup : public ModelGroup { public: OrModelGroup(NCVector<Owner<ContentToken> > &, OccurrenceIndicator); Connector connector() const; private: OrModelGroup(const OrModelGroup &); // undefined void operator=(const OrModelGroup &); // undefined void analyze1(GroupInfo &, const AndModelGroup *, unsigned, FirstSet &, LastSet &); }; class SeqModelGroup : public ModelGroup { public: SeqModelGroup(NCVector<Owner<ContentToken> > &, OccurrenceIndicator); Connector connector() const; private: SeqModelGroup(const SeqModelGroup &); // undefined void operator=(const SeqModelGroup &); // undefined void analyze1(GroupInfo &, const AndModelGroup *, unsigned, FirstSet &, LastSet &); }; class AndState; class SP_API AndInfo { public: AndInfo() { } const AndModelGroup *andAncestor; unsigned andGroupIndex; Vector<Transition> follow; private: AndInfo(const AndInfo &); // undefined void operator=(const AndInfo &); // undefined }; // A LeafContentToken is not quite the same as a primitive content token. // A data tag group is a primitive content token but not a LeafContentToken. class SP_API LeafContentToken : public ContentToken { public: LeafContentToken(const ElementType *, OccurrenceIndicator); unsigned index() const; unsigned typeIndex() const; const ElementType *elementType() const; virtual Boolean isInitial() const; void addTransitions(const FirstSet &to, Boolean maybeRequired, unsigned andClearIndex, unsigned andDepth, Boolean isolated, unsigned requireClear, unsigned toSet); void setFinal(); void finish(Vector<unsigned> &minAndDepth, Vector<size_t> &elementTransition, Vector<ContentModelAmbiguity> &, Boolean &pcdataUnreachable); Boolean isFinal() const; Boolean tryTransition(const ElementType *, AndState &, unsigned &minAndDepth, const LeafContentToken *&newpos) const; Boolean tryTransitionPcdata(AndState &, unsigned &minAndDepth, const LeafContentToken *&newpos) const; void possibleTransitions(const AndState &, unsigned minAndDepth, Vector<const ElementType *> &) const; const LeafContentToken *impliedStartTag(const AndState &andpos, unsigned minAndDepth) const; const LeafContentToken *transitionToken(const ElementType *to, const AndState &andState, unsigned minAndDepth) const; void doRequiredTransition(AndState &andState, unsigned &minAndDepth, const LeafContentToken *&newpos) const; unsigned computeMinAndDepth(const AndState&) const; Boolean orGroupMember() const; void setOrGroupMember(); const AndModelGroup *andAncestor() const; unsigned andDepth() const; const LeafContentToken *asLeafContentToken() const; protected: void analyze1(GroupInfo &, const AndModelGroup *, unsigned, FirstSet &, LastSet &); const ElementType *element_; private: LeafContentToken(const LeafContentToken &); // undefined void operator=(const LeafContentToken &); // undefined void andFinish(Vector<unsigned> &minAndDepth, Vector<size_t> &elementTransition, Vector<ContentModelAmbiguity> &, Boolean &pcdataUnreachable); unsigned computeMinAndDepth1(const AndState&) const; unsigned leafIndex_; unsigned typeIndex_; Vector<LeafContentToken *> follow_; PackedBoolean isFinal_; PackedBoolean orGroupMember_; // 0 none, 1 yes - simple, 2 - compled char pcdataTransitionType_; const LeafContentToken *simplePcdataTransition_; size_t requiredIndex_; Owner<AndInfo> andInfo_; }; class PcdataToken : public LeafContentToken { public: PcdataToken(); void analyze1(GroupInfo &, const AndModelGroup *, unsigned, FirstSet &, LastSet &); private: PcdataToken(const PcdataToken &); // undefined void operator=(const PcdataToken &); // undefined }; class InitialPseudoToken : public LeafContentToken { public: InitialPseudoToken(); Boolean isInitial() const; private: InitialPseudoToken(const InitialPseudoToken &); // undefined void operator=(const InitialPseudoToken &); // undefined }; class ElementToken : public LeafContentToken { public: ElementToken(const ElementType *, OccurrenceIndicator); private: ElementToken(const ElementToken &); // undefined void operator=(const ElementToken &); // undefined }; class DataTagGroup : public SeqModelGroup { public: // first content token is a DataTagElementToken, second is PcdataToken DataTagGroup(NCVector<Owner<ContentToken> > &, OccurrenceIndicator); private: DataTagGroup(const DataTagGroup &); // undefined void operator=(const DataTagGroup &); // undefined }; class DataTagElementToken : public ElementToken { public: DataTagElementToken(const ElementType *, Vector<Text> &templates); DataTagElementToken(const ElementType *, Vector<Text> &templates, Text &paddingTemplate); private: DataTagElementToken(const DataTagElementToken &); // undefined void operator=(const DataTagElementToken &); // undefined Vector<Text> templates_; Boolean havePaddingTemplate_; Text paddingTemplate_; }; class SP_API CompiledModelGroup { public: CompiledModelGroup(Owner<ModelGroup> &); void compile(size_t nElementTypeIndex, Vector<ContentModelAmbiguity> &, Boolean &pcdataUnreachable); CompiledModelGroup *copy() const; const LeafContentToken *initial() const; unsigned andStateSize() const; Boolean containsPcdata() const; const ModelGroup *modelGroup() const; private: CompiledModelGroup(const CompiledModelGroup &); // undefined void operator=(const CompiledModelGroup &); // undefined Owner<ModelGroup> modelGroup_; Owner<LeafContentToken> initial_; unsigned andStateSize_; Boolean containsPcdata_; }; class SP_API AndState { public: AndState(unsigned); Boolean isClear(unsigned) const; void clearFrom(unsigned); void set(unsigned); Boolean operator==(const AndState &) const; Boolean operator!=(const AndState &) const; private: void clearFrom1(unsigned); unsigned clearFrom_; Vector<PackedBoolean> v_; }; class SP_API MatchState { public: MatchState(); MatchState(const CompiledModelGroup *); // may be 0 Boolean tryTransition(const ElementType *); Boolean tryTransitionPcdata(); void possibleTransitions(Vector<const ElementType *> &) const; Boolean isFinished() const; const LeafContentToken *impliedStartTag() const; const LeafContentToken *invalidExclusion(const ElementType *) const; void doRequiredTransition(); const LeafContentToken *currentPosition() const; Boolean operator==(const MatchState &) const; Boolean operator!=(const MatchState &) const; private: const LeafContentToken *pos_; AndState andState_; unsigned minAndDepth_; }; inline ContentToken::OccurrenceIndicator ContentToken::occurrenceIndicator() const { return occurrenceIndicator_; } inline unsigned LeafContentToken::index() const { return leafIndex_; } inline unsigned LeafContentToken::typeIndex() const { return typeIndex_; } inline Boolean ContentToken::inherentlyOptional() const { return inherentlyOptional_; } inline const ElementType *LeafContentToken::elementType() const { return element_; } inline unsigned AndModelGroup::andDepth() const { return andDepth_; } inline unsigned AndModelGroup::andIndex() const { return andIndex_; } inline unsigned ModelGroup::nMembers() const { return members_.size(); } inline unsigned ContentToken::andDepth(const AndModelGroup *andAncestor) { return andAncestor ? andAncestor->andDepth() + 1 : 0; } inline unsigned ContentToken::andIndex(const AndModelGroup *andAncestor) { return (andAncestor ? andAncestor->andIndex() + andAncestor->nMembers() : 0); } inline ContentToken &ModelGroup::member(unsigned i) { return *members_[i]; } inline const ContentToken &ModelGroup::member(unsigned i) const { return *members_[i]; } inline void LeafContentToken::setFinal() { isFinal_ = 1; } inline Boolean LeafContentToken::isFinal() const { return isFinal_; } inline Boolean LeafContentToken::orGroupMember() const { return orGroupMember_; } inline unsigned CompiledModelGroup::andStateSize() const { return andStateSize_; } inline Boolean CompiledModelGroup::containsPcdata() const { return containsPcdata_; } inline const AndModelGroup *AndModelGroup::andAncestor() const { return andAncestor_; } inline unsigned AndModelGroup::andGroupIndex() const { return andGroupIndex_; } inline const LeafContentToken *CompiledModelGroup::initial() const { return initial_.pointer(); } inline const ModelGroup *CompiledModelGroup::modelGroup() const { return modelGroup_.pointer(); } inline const AndModelGroup *LeafContentToken::andAncestor() const { return andInfo_ ? andInfo_->andAncestor : 0; } inline unsigned LeafContentToken::andDepth() const { return andInfo_ ? ContentToken::andDepth(andInfo_->andAncestor) : 0; } inline unsigned LeafContentToken::computeMinAndDepth(const AndState &andState) const { return andInfo_ ? computeMinAndDepth1(andState) : 0; } inline Boolean LeafContentToken::tryTransitionPcdata(AndState &andState, unsigned &minAndDepth, const LeafContentToken *&newpos) const { if (pcdataTransitionType_ == 1) { newpos = simplePcdataTransition_; return 1; } else if (pcdataTransitionType_ == 0) return 0; else return tryTransition(0, andState, minAndDepth, newpos); } inline Boolean MatchState::tryTransition(const ElementType *to) { return pos_->tryTransition(to, andState_, minAndDepth_, pos_); } inline Boolean MatchState::tryTransitionPcdata() { return pos_->tryTransitionPcdata(andState_, minAndDepth_, pos_); } inline void MatchState::possibleTransitions(Vector<const ElementType *> &v) const { pos_->possibleTransitions(andState_, minAndDepth_, v); } inline Boolean MatchState::isFinished() const { return pos_->isFinal() && minAndDepth_ == 0; } inline const LeafContentToken * MatchState::impliedStartTag() const { return pos_->impliedStartTag(andState_, minAndDepth_); } inline void MatchState::doRequiredTransition() { pos_->doRequiredTransition(andState_, minAndDepth_, pos_); } inline const LeafContentToken *MatchState::currentPosition() const { return pos_; } inline Boolean MatchState::operator!=(const MatchState &state) const { return !(*this == state); } inline Boolean AndState::isClear(unsigned i) const { return v_[i] == 0; } inline void AndState::set(unsigned i) { v_[i] = 1; if (i >= clearFrom_) clearFrom_ = i + 1; } inline void AndState::clearFrom(unsigned i) { if (i < clearFrom_) clearFrom1(i); } inline Boolean AndState::operator!=(const AndState &state) const { return !(*this == state); } inline size_t FirstSet::size() const { return v_.size(); } inline LeafContentToken *FirstSet::token(size_t i) const { return v_[i]; } inline size_t FirstSet::requiredIndex() const { return requiredIndex_; } inline void FirstSet::setNotRequired() { requiredIndex_ = size_t(-1); } #ifdef SP_NAMESPACE } #endif #endif /* not ContentToken_INCLUDED */