Hallo, dies ist ein Test.
PWD: /www/data-lst1/unixsoft/unixsoft/kaempfer/.public_html
Running in File Mode
Relative path: ./../../../../../../usr/ccs/bin/pkgdepend
Real path: /usr/bin/pkgdepend
#!/usr/bin/python3.7 -Es # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Copyright (c) 2009, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. # # We should be using pkg.no_site_packages here but doing so stops us being # able to find Python dependencies in site-packages, so this is disabled # for now #import pkg.no_site_packages import errno import getopt import gettext import locale import os import six import sys import traceback import warnings import pkg import pkg.actions as actions import pkg.client.api as api import pkg.client.api_errors as api_errors import pkg.client.progress as progress import pkg.manifest as manifest import pkg.misc as misc import pkg.publish.dependencies as dependencies from pkg.misc import msg, emsg, PipeError from pkg.client.pkgdefs import EXIT_OK, EXIT_OOPS, EXIT_BADOPT CLIENT_API_VERSION = 82 PKG_CLIENT_NAME = "pkgdepend" DEFAULT_SUFFIX = ".res" def format_update_error(e): # This message is displayed to the user whenever an # ImageFormatUpdateNeeded exception is encountered. emsg("\n") emsg(str(e)) emsg(_("To continue, the target image must be upgraded " "before it can be used. See pkg(1) update-format for more " "information.")) def error(text, cmd=None): """Emit an error message prefixed by the command name """ if cmd: text = "{0}: {1}".format(cmd, text) else: # If we get passed something like an Exception, we can convert # it down to a string. text = str(text) # If the message starts with whitespace, assume that it should come # *before* the command-name prefix. text_nows = text.lstrip() ws = text[:len(text) - len(text_nows)] # This has to be a constant value as we can't reliably get our actual # program name on all platforms. emsg(ws + "pkgdepend: " + text_nows) def usage(usage_error=None, cmd=None, retcode=EXIT_BADOPT): """Emit a usage message and optionally prefix it with a more specific error message. Causes program to exit.""" if usage_error: error(usage_error, cmd=cmd) emsg (_("""\ Usage: pkgdepend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands] Subcommands: pkgdepend generate [-IMm] -d dir [-d dir] [-D name=value] [-k path] manifest_file pkgdepend resolve [-EmoSv] [-d output_dir] [-e external_package_file]... [-s suffix] manifest_file ... Options: -R dir --help or -? Environment: PKG_IMAGE""")) sys.exit(retcode) def generate(args): """Produce a list of file dependencies from a manfiest and a proto area.""" try: opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(args, "d:D:Ik:Mm?", ["help"]) except getopt.GetoptError as e: usage(_("illegal global option -- {0}").format(e.opt)) remove_internal_deps = True echo_manf = False show_missing = False show_usage = False isa_paths = [] run_paths = [] platform_paths = [] dyn_tok_conv = {} proto_dirs = [] for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-d": if not os.path.isdir(arg): usage(_("The proto directory {0} could not be " "found.".format(arg)), retcode=EXIT_BADOPT) proto_dirs.append(os.path.abspath(arg)) elif opt == "-D": try: dyn_tok_name, dyn_tok_val = arg.split("=", 1) except: usage(_("-D arguments must be of the form " "'name=value'.")) if not dyn_tok_name[0] == "$": dyn_tok_name = "$" + dyn_tok_name dyn_tok_conv.setdefault(dyn_tok_name, []).append( dyn_tok_val) elif opt == "-I": remove_internal_deps = False elif opt == "-k": run_paths.append(arg) elif opt == "-m": echo_manf = True elif opt == "-M": show_missing = True elif opt in ("--help", "-?"): show_usage = True if show_usage: usage(retcode=EXIT_OK) if len(pargs) > 2 or len(pargs) < 1: usage(_("Generate only accepts one or two arguments.")) if "$ORIGIN" in dyn_tok_conv: usage(_("ORIGIN may not be specified using -D. It will be " "inferred from the\ninstall paths of the files.")) retcode = EXIT_OK manf = pargs[0] if not os.path.isfile(manf): usage(_("The manifest file {0} could not be found.").format(manf), retcode=EXIT_BADOPT) if len(pargs) > 1: if not os.path.isdir(pargs[1]): usage(_("The proto directory {0} could not be found.").format( pargs[1]), retcode=EXIT_BADOPT) proto_dirs.insert(0, os.path.abspath(pargs[1])) if not proto_dirs: usage(_("At least one proto directory must be provided."), retcode=EXIT_BADOPT) try: ds, es, ws, ms, pkg_attrs = dependencies.list_implicit_deps(manf, proto_dirs, dyn_tok_conv, run_paths, remove_internal_deps) except (actions.MalformedActionError, actions.UnknownActionError) as e: error(_("Could not parse manifest {manifest} because of the " "following line:\n{line}").format(manifest=manf, line=e.actionstr)) return EXIT_OOPS except api_errors.ApiException as e: error(e) return EXIT_OOPS if echo_manf: fh = open(manf, "r") for l in fh: msg(l.rstrip()) fh.close() for d in sorted(ds): msg(d) for key, value in six.iteritems(pkg_attrs): msg(actions.attribute.AttributeAction(**{key: value})) if show_missing: for m in ms: emsg(m) for w in ws: emsg(w) for e in es: emsg(e) retcode = EXIT_OOPS return retcode def resolve(args, img_dir): """Take a list of manifests and resolve any file dependencies, first against the other published manifests and then against what is installed on the machine.""" out_dir = None echo_manifest = False output_to_screen = False suffix = None verbose = False use_system_to_resolve = True constraint_files = [] extra_external_info = False try: opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(args, "d:e:Emos:Sv") except getopt.GetoptError as e: usage(_("illegal global option -- {0}").format(e.opt)) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-d": out_dir = arg elif opt == "-e": constraint_files.append(arg) elif opt == "-E": extra_external_info = True elif opt == "-m": echo_manifest = True elif opt == "-o": output_to_screen = True elif opt == "-s": suffix = arg elif opt == "-S": use_system_to_resolve = False elif opt == "-v": verbose = True if (out_dir or suffix) and output_to_screen: usage(_("-o cannot be used with -d or -s")) manifest_paths = [os.path.abspath(fp) for fp in pargs] for manifest in manifest_paths: if not os.path.isfile(manifest): usage(_("The manifest file {0} could not be found.").format( manifest), retcode=EXIT_BADOPT) if out_dir: out_dir = os.path.abspath(out_dir) if not os.path.isdir(out_dir): usage(_("The output directory {0} is not a directory.").format( out_dir), retcode=EXIT_BADOPT) provided_image_dir = True pkg_image_used = False if img_dir == None: orig_cwd = None try: orig_cwd = os.getcwd() except OSError: # May be unreadable by user or have other problem. pass img_dir, provided_image_dir = api.get_default_image_root( orig_cwd=orig_cwd) if os.environ.get("PKG_IMAGE"): # It's assumed that this has been checked by the above # function call and hasn't been removed from the # environment. pkg_image_used = True if not img_dir: error(_("Could not find image. Use the -R option or set " "$PKG_IMAGE to the\nlocation of an image.")) return EXIT_OOPS system_patterns = misc.EmptyI if constraint_files: system_patterns = [] for f in constraint_files: try: with open(f, "r") as fh: for l in fh: l = l.strip() if l and not l.startswith("#"): system_patterns.append( l) except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno in (errno.ENOENT, errno.EISDIR): error("{0}: '{1}'".format( e.args[1], e.filename), cmd="resolve") return EXIT_OOPS raise api_errors._convert_error(e) if not system_patterns: error(_("External package list files were provided but " "did not contain any fmri patterns.")) return EXIT_OOPS elif use_system_to_resolve: system_patterns = ["*"] # Becuase building an ImageInterface permanently changes the cwd for # python, it's necessary to do this step after resolving the paths to # the manifests. try: api_inst = api.ImageInterface(img_dir, CLIENT_API_VERSION, progress.QuietProgressTracker(), None, PKG_CLIENT_NAME, exact_match=provided_image_dir) except api_errors.ImageNotFoundException as e: if e.user_specified: if pkg_image_used: error(_("No image rooted at '{0}' " "(set by $PKG_IMAGE)").format(e.user_dir)) else: error(_("No image rooted at '{0}'").format( e.user_dir)) else: error(_("No image found.")) return EXIT_OOPS except api_errors.PermissionsException as e: error(e) return EXIT_OOPS except api_errors.ImageFormatUpdateNeeded as e: # This should be a very rare error case. format_update_error(e) return EXIT_OOPS try: pkg_deps, errs, warnings, unused_fmris, external_deps = \ dependencies.resolve_deps(manifest_paths, api_inst, system_patterns, prune_attrs=not verbose) except (actions.MalformedActionError, actions.UnknownActionError) as e: error(_("Could not parse one or more manifests because of " "the following line:\n{0}").format(e.actionstr)) return EXIT_OOPS except dependencies.DependencyError as e: error(e) return EXIT_OOPS except api_errors.ApiException as e: error(e) return EXIT_OOPS ret_code = EXIT_OK if output_to_screen: ret_code = pkgdeps_to_screen(pkg_deps, manifest_paths, echo_manifest) elif out_dir: ret_code = pkgdeps_to_dir(pkg_deps, manifest_paths, out_dir, suffix, echo_manifest) else: ret_code = pkgdeps_in_place(pkg_deps, manifest_paths, suffix, echo_manifest) if extra_external_info: if constraint_files and unused_fmris: msg(_("\nThe following fmris matched a pattern in a " "constraint file but were not used in\ndependency " "resolution:")) for pfmri in sorted(unused_fmris): msg("\t{0}".format(pfmri)) if not constraint_files and external_deps: msg(_("\nThe following fmris had dependencies resolve " "to them:")) for pfmri in sorted(external_deps): msg("\t{0}".format(pfmri)) for e in errs: if ret_code == EXIT_OK: ret_code = EXIT_OOPS emsg(e) for w in warnings: emsg(w) return ret_code def __resolve_echo_line(l): """Given a line from a manifest, determines whether that line should be repeated in the output file if echo manifest has been set.""" try: act = actions.fromstr(l.rstrip()) except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except actions.ActionError: return True else: return not act.name == "depend" def __echo_manifest(pth, out_func, strip_newline=False): try: with open(pth, "r") as fh: text = "" act = "" for l in fh: text += l act += l.rstrip() if act.endswith("\\"): act = act.rstrip("\\") continue if __resolve_echo_line(act): if strip_newline: text = text.rstrip() elif text[-1] != "\n": text += "\n" out_func(text) text = "" act = "" if text != "" and __resolve_echo_line(act): if text[-1] != "\n": text += "\n" out_func(text) except EnvironmentError: ret_code = EXIT_OOPS emsg(_("Could not open {0} to echo manifest").format( manifest_path)) def pkgdeps_to_screen(pkg_deps, manifest_paths, echo_manifest): """Write the resolved package dependencies to stdout. 'pkg_deps' is a dictionary that maps a path to a manifest to the dependencies that were resolved for that manifest. 'manifest_paths' is a list of the paths to the manifests for which file dependencies were resolved. 'echo_manifest' is a boolean which determines whether the original manifest will be written out or not.""" ret_code = EXIT_OK first = True for p in manifest_paths: if not first: msg("\n\n") first = False msg("# {0}".format(p)) if echo_manifest: __echo_manifest(p, msg, strip_newline=True) for d in pkg_deps[p]: msg(d) return ret_code def write_res(deps, out_file, echo_manifest, manifest_path): """Write the dependencies resolved, and possibly the manifest, to the destination file. 'deps' is a list of the resolved dependencies. 'out_file' is the path to the destination file. 'echo_manifest' determines whether to repeat the original manifest in the destination file. 'manifest_path' the path to the manifest which generated the dependencies.""" ret_code = EXIT_OK try: out_fh = open(out_file, "w") except EnvironmentError: ret_code = EXIT_OOPS emsg(_("Could not open output file {0} for writing").format( out_file)) return ret_code if echo_manifest: __echo_manifest(manifest_path, out_fh.write) for d in deps: out_fh.write("{0}\n".format(d)) out_fh.close() return ret_code def pkgdeps_to_dir(pkg_deps, manifest_paths, out_dir, suffix, echo_manifest): """Given an output directory, for each manifest given, writes the dependencies resolved to a file in the output directory. 'pkg_deps' is a dictionary that maps a path to a manifest to the dependencies that were resolved for that manifest. 'manifest_paths' is a list of the paths to the manifests for which file dependencies were resolved. 'out_dir' is the path to the directory into which the dependency files should be written. 'suffix' is the string to append to the end of each output file. 'echo_manifest' is a boolean which determines whether the original manifest will be written out or not.""" ret_code = EXIT_OK if not os.path.exists(out_dir): try: os.makedirs(out_dir) except EnvironmentError as e: e_dic = {"dir": out_dir} if len(e.args) > 0: e_dic["err"] = e.args[1] else: e_dic["err"] = e.args[0] emsg(_("Out dir {out_dir} does not exist and could " "not be created. Error is: {err}").format(**e_dic)) return EXIT_OOPS if suffix and suffix[0] != ".": suffix = "." + suffix for p in manifest_paths: out_file = os.path.join(out_dir, os.path.basename(p)) if suffix: out_file += suffix tmp_rc = write_res(pkg_deps[p], out_file, echo_manifest, p) if not ret_code: ret_code = tmp_rc return ret_code def pkgdeps_in_place(pkg_deps, manifest_paths, suffix, echo_manifest): """Given an output directory, for each manifest given, writes the dependencies resolved to a file in the output directory. 'pkg_deps' is a dictionary that maps a path to a manifest to the dependencies that were resolved for that manifest. 'manifest_paths' is a list of the paths to the manifests for which file dependencies were resolved. 'out_dir' is the path to the directory into which the dependency files should be written. 'suffix' is the string to append to the end of each output file. 'echo_manifest' is a boolean which determines whether the original manifest will be written out or not.""" ret_code = EXIT_OK if not suffix: suffix = DEFAULT_SUFFIX if suffix[0] != ".": suffix = "." + suffix for p in manifest_paths: out_file = p + suffix tmp_rc = write_res(pkg_deps[p], out_file, echo_manifest, p) if not ret_code: ret_code = tmp_rc return ret_code def main_func(): try: opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "R:?", ["help"]) except getopt.GetoptError as e: usage(_("illegal global option -- {0}").format(e.opt)) show_usage = False img_dir = None for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-R": img_dir = arg elif opt in ("--help", "-?"): show_usage = True subcommand = None if pargs: subcommand = pargs.pop(0) if subcommand == "help": show_usage = True if show_usage: usage(retcode=EXIT_OK) elif not subcommand: usage() if subcommand == "generate": if img_dir: usage(_("generate subcommand doesn't use -R")) return generate(pargs) elif subcommand == "resolve": return resolve(pargs, img_dir) else: usage(_("unknown subcommand '{0}'").format(subcommand)) # # Establish a specific exit status which means: "python barfed an exception" # so that we can more easily detect these in testing of the CLI commands. # if __name__ == "__main__": misc.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "", error) gettext.install("pkg", "/usr/share/locale", codeset=locale.getpreferredencoding()) misc.set_fd_limits(printer=error) # Commented out for now while ON fixes the invalid escape # sequences problems. # Make all warnings be errors. # warnings.simplefilter('error') if six.PY3: # disable ResourceWarning: unclosed file warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=ResourceWarning) try: __ret = main_func() except api_errors.MissingFileArgumentException as e: error("The manifest file {0} could not be found.".format(e.path)) __ret = EXIT_OOPS except api_errors.VersionException as __e: error(_("The {cmd} command appears out of sync with the lib" "raries provided\nby pkg:/package/pkg. The client version " "is {client} while the library\nAPI version is {api}").format( cmd=PKG_CLIENT_NAME, client=__e.received_version, api=__e.expected_version )) __ret = EXIT_OOPS except api_errors.ApiException as e: error(e) __ret = EXIT_OOPS except RuntimeError as _e: emsg("{0}: {1}".format(PKG_CLIENT_NAME, _e)) __ret = EXIT_OOPS except (PipeError, KeyboardInterrupt): # We don't want to display any messages here to prevent # possible further broken pipe (EPIPE) errors. __ret = EXIT_OOPS except SystemExit as _e: raise _e except: traceback.print_exc() error(misc.get_traceback_message()) __ret = 99 sys.exit(__ret)