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PWD: /www/data-lst1/unixsoft/unixsoft/kaempfer/.public_html
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Relative path: ./../../../../../../usr/./include/avahi-client/client.h
Real path: /usr/include/avahi-client/client.h
#ifndef fooclienthfoo #define fooclienthfoo /*** This file is part of avahi. avahi is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. avahi is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with avahi; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. ***/ #include <inttypes.h> #include <avahi-common/cdecl.h> #include <avahi-common/address.h> #include <avahi-common/strlst.h> #include <avahi-common/defs.h> #include <avahi-common/watch.h> #include <avahi-common/gccmacro.h> /** \file client.h Definitions and functions for the client API over D-Bus */ AVAHI_C_DECL_BEGIN /** A connection context */ typedef struct AvahiClient AvahiClient; /** States of a client object, a superset of AvahiServerState */ typedef enum { AVAHI_CLIENT_S_REGISTERING = AVAHI_SERVER_REGISTERING, /**< Server state: REGISTERING */ AVAHI_CLIENT_S_RUNNING = AVAHI_SERVER_RUNNING, /**< Server state: RUNNING */ AVAHI_CLIENT_S_COLLISION = AVAHI_SERVER_COLLISION, /**< Server state: COLLISION */ AVAHI_CLIENT_FAILURE = 100, /**< Some kind of error happened on the client side */ AVAHI_CLIENT_CONNECTING = 101 /**< We're still connecting. This state is only entered when AVAHI_CLIENT_NO_FAIL has been passed to avahi_client_new() and the daemon is not yet available. */ } AvahiClientState; typedef enum { AVAHI_CLIENT_IGNORE_USER_CONFIG = 1, /**< Don't read user configuration */ AVAHI_CLIENT_NO_FAIL = 2 /**< Don't fail if the daemon is not available when avahi_client_new() is called, instead enter AVAHI_CLIENT_CONNECTING state and wait for the daemon to appear */ } AvahiClientFlags; /** The function prototype for the callback of an AvahiClient */ typedef void (*AvahiClientCallback) ( AvahiClient *s, AvahiClientState state /**< The new state of the client */, void* userdata /**< The user data that was passed to avahi_client_new() */); /** @{ \name Construction and destruction */ /** Creates a new client instance */ AvahiClient* avahi_client_new ( const AvahiPoll *poll_api /**< The abstract event loop API to use */, AvahiClientFlags flags /**< Some flags to modify the behaviour of the client library */, AvahiClientCallback callback /**< A callback that is called whenever the state of the client changes. This may be NULL. Please note that this function is called for the first time from within the avahi_client_new() context! Thus, in the callback you should not make use of global variables that are initialized only after your call to avahi_client_new(). A common mistake is to store the AvahiClient pointer returned by avahi_client_new() in a global variable and assume that this global variable already contains the valid pointer when the callback is called for the first time. A work-around for this is to always use the AvahiClient pointer passed to the callback function instead of the global pointer. */, void *userdata /**< Some arbitrary user data pointer that will be passed to the callback function */, int *error /**< If creation of the client fails, this integer will contain the error cause. May be NULL if you aren't interested in the reason why avahi_client_new() failed. */); /** Free a client instance. This will automatically free all * associated browser, resolve and entry group objects. All pointers * to such objects become invalid! */ void avahi_client_free(AvahiClient *client); /** @} */ /** @{ \name Properties */ /** Get the version of the server */ const char* avahi_client_get_version_string (AvahiClient*); /** Get host name */ const char* avahi_client_get_host_name (AvahiClient*); /** Set host name. \since 0.6.13 */ int avahi_client_set_host_name(AvahiClient*, const char *name); /** Get domain name */ const char* avahi_client_get_domain_name (AvahiClient*); /** Get FQDN domain name */ const char* avahi_client_get_host_name_fqdn (AvahiClient*); /** Get state */ AvahiClientState avahi_client_get_state(AvahiClient *client); /** @{ \name Error Handling */ /** Get the last error number. See avahi_strerror() for converting this error code into a human readable string. */ int avahi_client_errno (AvahiClient*); /** @} */ /** \cond fulldocs */ /** Return the local service cookie. returns AVAHI_SERVICE_COOKIE_INVALID on failure. */ uint32_t avahi_client_get_local_service_cookie(AvahiClient *client); /** \endcond */ /** @{ \name Libc NSS Support */ /** Return 1 if gethostbyname() supports mDNS lookups, 0 otherwise. \since 0.6.5 */ int avahi_nss_support(void); /** @} */ AVAHI_C_DECL_END #endif