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Real path: /usr/share/lib/unittab
/ / Copyright (c) 1998, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. / / Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. / All rights reserved. The Berkeley Software License Agreement / specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. / / dimensions m *a* kg *b* sec *c* coul *d* candela *e* dollar *f* radian *g* bit *h* erlang *i* degC *j* / Authoritative places to get updated values: / http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/ / http://www.npl.co.uk/npl/reference/index.html / Less authoritative but very useful for non-SI units is / http://www.ex.ac.uk/cimt/dictunit/dictunit.htm / constants fuzz 1 pi 3.14159265358979323846 fuzz / speed of light in a vacuum c 2.99792458+8 m/sec / standard acceleration due to gravity g 9.80665 m/sec2 / Astronomical Unit au 1.4959787069+11 m fuzz / Avagadro's number mole 6.022137+23 fuzz / charge on an electron e 1.6021773-19 coul fuzz / covert mass to energy (e.g., you have: kilogram energy you want: megaton tnt) energy c2 / convert mass to weight (e.g., use "lb-force" to get a pound of force) force g / density of mercury expressed as weight/volume) mercury 1.33322+5 kg/m2-sec2 hg mercury / dimensionless degree 1|180 pi-radian circle 2 pi-radian turn 2 pi-radian grade .9 degree arcdeg 1 degree arcmin 1|60 arcdeg ccs 1|36 erlang arcsec 1|60 arcmin steradian radian2 sphere 4 pi-steradian sr steradian / Time second sec s sec minute 60 sec min minute hour 60 min hr hour day 24 hr da day week 7 day / Mean tropical year in the year 2000. This decreases by .00000615 per century. year 365.2421896698 day fuzz yr year month 1|12 year ms millisec us microsec / Mass gram millikg gm gram mg milligram metricton kilokg / Avoirdupois lb .45359237 kg lbf lb g ounce 1|16 lb oz ounce dram 1|16 oz dr dram grain 1|7000 lb gr grain shortton 2000 lb ton shortton longton 2240 lb / Apothecary scruple 20 grain apdram 60 grain apounce 480 grain appound 5760 grain / Length meter m metre m cm centimeter mm millimeter km kilometer nm nanometer micron micrometer angstrom decinanometer inch 2.54 cm in inch foot 12 in feet foot ft foot yard 3 ft yd yard rod 5.5 yd rd rod mile 5280 ft mi mile british 1200|3937 m/ft nmile 1852m acre 4840 yd2 cc cm3 liter kilocc litre liter ml milliliter / US Liquid gallon 231 in3 imperial 1.20095 gal gallon quart 1|4 gal qt quart pint 1|2 qt pt pint floz 1|16 pt fldr 1|8 floz / US Dry dry 268.8025 in3/gallon peck 8 dry-quart pk peck bushel 4 peck bu bushel / British brgallon 4.54609 litre brquart 1|4 brgallon brpint 1|2 brquart brgill 1|4 brpint brfloz 1|20 brpint brpeck 9.09218 litre brbushel 4 brpeck / Energy Work newton kg-m/sec2 nt newton joule nt-m / There are 5 different small calories. The one used here is the "IT / calorie". The "USA calorie" or "thermochemical calorie" is 4.184 joule / (exact). The "calorie at 15 deg C" is 4.1855 joule fuzz. The "calorie / at 20 deg C" is 4.1819 joule fuzz. The "mean calorie" is 4.19002 joule / fuzz. The large Calorie is a thousand of (one of) these calories. cal 4.1868 joule / Electrical coulomb coul ampere coul/sec amp ampere watt joule/sec volt watt/amp ohm volt/amp mho /ohm farad coul/volt henry sec2/farad weber volt-sec / Light & Radiation cd candela lumen cd sr lux cd sr/m2 / actual radiation dose gray joule/kg / effective radiation dose sievert joule/kg / Temperature kelvin degC rankine 5|9 kelvin degF rankine / note that degF and degC are suitable for converting temperature intervals, / but not actual temperatures on the Fahrenheit and Celsius scales. / Money / The euro and currencies tied to it. / See https://eur-lex.europa.eu/EN/legal-content/summary/conversion-rates-between-national-currencies-and-the-euro.html euro 1 austriaschilling 1|13.7603 euro belgiumfranc 1|40.3399 euro finlandmarkka 1|5.94573 euro francefranc 1|6.55957 euro germanymark 1|1.95583 euro greecedrachma 1|340.750 euro irelandpound 1|.787564 euro italylira 1|1936.27 euro luxembourgfranc 1|40.3399 euro netherlandsguilder 1|2.20371 euro portugalescudo 1|200.482 euro slovakiakoruna 1|30.13 euro spainpeseta 1|166.386 euro mark germanymark peseta spainpeseta escudo portugalescudo guilder netherlandsguilder lira italylira drachma greecedrachma franc francefranc markka finlandmarkka / PDP-11 baud bit/sec byte 8 bit word 2 byte block 512 byte K 1024 word tc 578 block rktrack 12 block rkcylinder 2 rktrack rk 203 rkcylinder rptrack 10 block rpcylinder 20 rptracks rp 406 rpcylinder rftrack 8 block rfshoe 8 rftrack rfdisk 16 rfshoe rf 2 rfdisk / Trivia % 1|100 admiraltyknot 6080 ft/hr apostilb cd/pi-m2 are 1+2 m2 arpentcan 27.52 mi arpentlin 191.835 ft astronomicalunit au atmosphere 1.01325+5 nt/m2 atm atmosphere atomicmassunit gm/mole amu atomicmassunit bag 94 lb bakersdozen 13 bar 1+5 nt/m2 barie 1-1 nt/m2 barleycorn 1|3 in barn 1-28 m2 barrel 42 gal barye 1-1 nt/m2 / radiation activity becquerel /sec bev 1+9 e-volt biot 10 amp blondel cd/pi-m2 boardfoot 144 in3 bolt 40 yd boltzmann 1.38066-23 joule/degC fuzz k boltzmann bottommeasure 1|40 in britishthermalunit cal lb-degF/gm-degC btu britishthermalunit refrigeration 12000 btu/ton-hour buck dollar cable 720 ft caliber 1-2 in calorie cal carat 205 mg cent centidollar cental 100 lb centesimalminute 1-2 grade centesimalsecond 1-4 grade century 100 year cfs ft3/sec chain 66 ft circularinch 1|4 pi-in2 circularmil 1-6|4 pi-in2 clusec 1-8 mm-hg m3/s coomb 4 bu cord 128 ft3 cordfoot cord crith 9.06-2 gm cubit 18 in cup 1|2 pt curie 3.7+10 /sec dalton amu decade 10 yr dioptre /m displacementton 35 ft3 doppelzentner 100 kg dozen 12 drop .03 cm3 dyne cm-gm/sec2 electronvolt e-volt ell 45 in engineerschain 100 ft engineerslink 100|100 ft equivalentfootcandle lumen/pi-ft2 equivalentlux lumen/pi-m2 equivalentphot cd/pi-cm2 erg cm2-gm/sec2 ev e-volt faraday 9.652+4 coul fathom 6 ft fermi 1-15 m fifth 4|5 qt fin 5 dollar finger 7|8 in firkin 9 gal footcandle lumen/ft2 footlambert cd/pi-ft2 fortnight 14 da franklin 3.33564-10 coul frigorie kilocal furlong 220 yd / Universal Gravitational Constant G 6.673-11 m3/kg-sec2 fuzz galileo 1-2 m/sec2 gamma 1-9 weber/m2 gauss 1-4 weber/m2 geodeticfoot british-ft geographicalmile 1852 m gilbert 7.95775-1 amp gill 1|4 pt gross 144 gunterschain 22 yd hand 4 in / Planck's constant hbar 1.054573-34 joule-sec fuzz h 2 pi hbar hectare 1+4 m2 hefnercandle .92 cd hertz /sec hogshead 2 barrel hd hogshead homestead 1|4 mi2 horsepower 550 ft-lb-g/sec hp horsepower hyl gm force sec2/m hz /sec imaginarycubicfoot 1.4 ft3 / radio intensity jansky 1-26 watt/m2-hz jeroboam 4|5 gal karat 1|24 kcal kilocal kcalorie kilocal kev 1+3 e-volt key kg khz 1+3 /sec kilderkin 18 gal knot nmile/hr lambert cd/pi-cm2 langley cal/cm2 last 80 bu league 3 mi lightyear c-yr line 1|12 in link 66|100 ft longhundredweight 112 lb longquarter 28 lb lusec 1-6 mm-hg m3/s mach 331.46 m/sec magnum 2 qt marineleague 3 nmile maxwell 1-8 weber metriccarat 200 mg mev 1+6 e-volt mgd megagal/day mh millihenry mhz 1+6 /sec mil 1-3 in millenium 1000 year / millennium has been misspelled in this file since its introducton in 1988. / Time to allow the correct spelling as well. millennium millenium minersinch 1.5 ft3/min minim 1|60 fldr mo month mpg mile/gal mph mile/hr nail 1|16 yd nauticalmile nmile nit cd/m2 noggin 1|8 qt nox 1-3 lux ns nanosec oersted 2.5+2 pi-amp/m oe oersted pace 36 in palm 3 in parasang 3.5 mi parsec au-radian/arcsec pascal nt/m2 pc parsec pennyweight 1|20 oz percent % perch rd pf picofarad phot lumen/cm2 pica 1|6 in pieze 1+3 nt/m2 pipe 4 barrel point 1|72 in poise gm/cm-sec pole rd poundal ft-lb/sec2 pdl poundal proof 1|200 psi lb-g/in2 quarter 9 in quartersection 1|4 mi2 quintal 100 kg quire 25 / actual radiation dose rad 1-2 gray ream 500 registerton 100 ft3 rehoboam 156 floz / effective radiation dose rem 1-2 sievert rhe 10 m2/nt-sec / ionization power of radiation rontgen 2.58-4 coul/kg roentgen rontgen rood 1.21+3 yd2 rope 20 ft rutherford 1+6 /sec / This is the rydberg energy (ionization energy of hydrogen assuming infinite / mass nucleus). To get the "rydberg constant", use rydberg/h-c rydberg 13.605698 ev fuzz sabin 1 ft2 sack 3 bu seam 8 bu section mi2 shippington 40 ft3 shorthundredweight 100 lb shortquarter 25 lb siemens /ohm sigma microsec skein 120 yd skot 1-3 apostilb slug lb-g-sec2/ft span 9 in spat 4 pi sr spindle 14400 yd square 100 ft2 stere m3 sthene 1+3 nt stilb cd/cm2 stoke 1-4 m2/sec stone 14 lb strike 2 bu surveyfoot british-ft surveyorschain 66 ft surveyorslink 66|100 ft tablespoon 4 fldr teaspoon 4|3 fldr tesla weber/m2 therm 1+5 btu thermie 1+6 cal timberfoot ft3 tnt 4.6+6 m2/sec2 tonne 1+6 gm torr mm hg township 36 mi2 tun 8 barrel water .22491|2.54 kg/m2-sec2 wey 40 bu weymass 252 lb Xunit 1.00202-13m