Hallo, dies ist ein Test.
PWD: /www/data-lst1/unixsoft/unixsoft/kaempfer/.public_html
Running in File Mode
Relative path: ./../../../../../../bin/sparcv7/../pkgsurf
Real path: /usr/bin/pkgsurf
#!/usr/bin/python3.7 -Es # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Copyright (c) 2013, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. # # # pkgsurf - Detailed operation description: # # After determining the packages present in the target repo, pkgsurf tries to # find the associated version of each package in the reference repo. Packages # which can't be found in the reference are ignored (not reversioned). Only the # latest version of the reference packages are considered. # We then compare the target and ref manifest for content changes. Any # difference in the manifests' actions is considered a content change unless # they differ in: # - the pkg FMRI (since this is what we'll adjust anyway) # - a set action whose name attribute is specified with -i/--ignore # - a signature action (signature will change when FMRI changes) # - a depend action (see below) # # Changes in depend actions are not considered a content change, however, # further analysis is required since the package can only be reversioned if the # dependency package didn't have a content change and its dependencies didn't # have a content change either. # # For the depend actions it is therefore required to recurse through the whole # dependency chain to determine a content change. Only if no package in the # chain had a content change the can the manifest be reversioned. # # Reversioning certain packages will break the inter-dependency integrity of the # target repo since certain package versions might not be available any longer. # Therefore pkgsurf will go through all depend actions in the repo and, if they # point to a reversioned package, adjust them to the correct version. # This requires that signature actions in these adjusted packages need to be # dropped since the manifest data changed. # # In the regular case, the new dependency FMRI of a certain package is taken # from the associated manifest of the reference version of this package. # However, if dependencies got added/removed it might not be found. In this case # pkgsurf uses the FMRI of the actual package which got reversioned as the new # dependency FMRI. # # pkgsurf deletes and inserts manifests in place for the target repo. File data # does not need to be modified since we only operate on packages with no content # change. It runs a catalog rebuild as the last step to regain catalog integrity # within the repo. import pkg.no_site_packages import getopt import gettext import locale import os import shutil import six import sys import tempfile import traceback import warnings from itertools import repeat import pkg.actions as actions import pkg.client.api_errors as api_errors import pkg.client.pkgdefs as pkgdefs import pkg.client.progress as progress import pkg.client.publisher as publisher import pkg.client.transport.transport as transport import pkg.fmri as fmri import pkg.manifest as manifest import pkg.misc as misc import pkg.portable as portable import pkg.server.repository as sr from pkg.client import global_settings from pkg.misc import emsg, msg, PipeError, CMP_ALL, CMP_UNSIGNED PKG_CLIENT_NAME = "pkgsurf" temp_root = None repo_modified = False repo_finished = False repo_uri = None def error(text, cmd=None): """Emit an error message prefixed by the command name """ if cmd: text = "\n{0}: {1}".format(cmd, text) else: text = "\n{0}: {1}".format(PKG_CLIENT_NAME, text) # If the message starts with whitespace, assume that it should come # *before* the command-name prefix. text_nows = text.lstrip() ws = text[:len(text) - len(text_nows)] # This has to be a constant value as we can't reliably get our actual # program name on all platforms. emsg(ws + text_nows) def cleanup(no_msg=False): """Remove temporary directories. Print error msg in case operation was not finished.""" global temp_root if repo_modified and not repo_finished and not no_msg: error(_(""" The target repository has been modified but the operation did not finish successfully. It is now in an inconsistent state. To re-try the operation, run the following commands: /usr/bin/pkgrepo rebuild -s {repo} {argv} """).format(repo=repo_uri, argv=" ".join(sys.argv))) if temp_root: shutil.rmtree(temp_root) temp_root = None def usage(usage_error=None, cmd=None, retcode=pkgdefs.EXIT_BADOPT): """Emit a usage message and optionally prefix it with a more specific error message. Causes program to exit.""" if usage_error: error(usage_error, cmd=cmd) emsg(_("""\ Usage: pkgsurf -s target_path -r ref_uri [-n] [-p publisher ...] [-i name ...] [-c pattern ...] Options: -c pattern Treat every package whose FMRI matches 'pattern' as changed and do not reversion it. Can be specified multiple times. -i name Ignore set actions with the name field set to 'name' for determination of content change. Can be specified multiple times. -n Perform a trial run with no changes made. -p publisher Only operate on given publisher. Can be specified multiple times. -r ref_uri URI of reference repository. -s target_path Path to target repository. Repository should only contain one version of each package. Must be a filesystem-based repository. -?/--help Print this message. """)) sys.exit(retcode) def abort(err=None, retcode=pkgdefs.EXIT_OOPS): """To be called when a fatal error is encountered.""" if err: # Clear any possible output first. msg("") error(err) cleanup() sys.exit(retcode) def fetch_catalog(src_pub, xport, temp_root): """Fetch the catalog from src_uri.""" if not src_pub.meta_root: # Create a temporary directory for catalog. cat_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=temp_root) src_pub.meta_root = cat_dir src_pub.transport = xport src_pub.refresh(full_refresh=True, immediate=True) return src_pub.catalog def get_latest(cat): """ Get latest packages (surface) from given catalog. Returns a dict of the form: { pkg-name: pkg-fmri, ... } """ matching, ref, unmatched = cat.get_matching_fmris(["*@latest"]) del ref matches = {} for m in matching: matches[m] = matching[m][0] return matches def get_matching_pkgs(cat, patterns): """Get the matching pkg FMRIs from catalog 'cat' based on the input patterns 'patterns'.""" versions = set() for p in patterns: if "@" in p: versions.add(p) if versions: msg = _("Packages specified to not be reversioned cannot " "contain versions:\n\t") msg += "\n\t".join(versions) abort(msg) matching, ref, unmatched = cat.get_matching_fmris(patterns) if unmatched: msg = _("The specified packages were not found in the " "repository:\n\t") msg += "\n\t".join(unmatched) abort(msg) return list(matching.keys()) def get_manifest(repo, pub, pfmri): """ Retrieve a manifest with FMRI 'pfmri' of publisher 'pub' from repository object 'repo'. """ path = repo.manifest(pfmri, pub) mani = manifest.Manifest(pfmri) try: mani.set_content(pathname=path) except Exception as e: abort(err=_("Can not open manifest file {file}: {err}\n" "Please run 'pkgrepo verify -s {rroot}' to check the " "integrity of the repository.").format( file=path, err=str(e), rroot=repo.root)) return mani def get_tracker(): try: progresstracker = \ progress.FancyUNIXProgressTracker() except progress.ProgressTrackerException: progresstracker = progress.CommandLineProgressTracker() progresstracker.set_major_phase(progresstracker.PHASE_UTILITY) return progresstracker def subs_undef_fmri_str(fmri_str, latest_ref_pkgs): """ Substitute correct dependency FMRI if no counterpart can be found in the reference manifest. Use the original FMRI in case the current version of dependency pkg in the repo is still a successor of the specified dependency FMRI, otherwise substitute the complete version of the pkg currently present in the repo.""" dpfmri = fmri.PkgFmri(fmri_str) ndpfmri = latest_ref_pkgs[dpfmri.get_name()] if ndpfmri.is_successor(dpfmri): return fmri_str return ndpfmri.get_short_fmri(anarchy=True) def get_dep_fmri_str(fmri_str, pkg, act, latest_ref_pkgs, reversioned_pkgs, ref_xport): """Get the adjusted dependency FMRI of package 'pkg' specified in action 'act' based on if the FMRI belongs to a reversioned package or not. 'fmri_str' contains the original FMRI string from the manifest to be adjusted. This has to be passed in separately since in case of require-any or group-any dependencies, an action can contain multiple FMRIs. """ dpfmri = fmri.PkgFmri(fmri_str) # Versionless dependencies don't need to be changed. if not dpfmri.version: return fmri_str # Dep package hasn't been changed, no adjustment necessary. if dpfmri.get_pkg_stem() not in reversioned_pkgs: return fmri_str # Find the dependency action of the reference package # and replace the current version with it. try: ref_mani = ref_xport.get_manifest(latest_ref_pkgs[pkg]) except KeyError: # This package is not in the ref repo so we just substitute the # dependency. return subs_undef_fmri_str(fmri_str, latest_ref_pkgs) for ra in ref_mani.gen_actions_by_type("depend"): # Any difference other than the FMRI means we # can't use this action as a reference. diffs = act.differences(ra) if "fmri" in diffs: diffs.remove("fmri") if diffs: continue fmris = ra.attrlist("fmri") for rf in fmris: rpfmri = fmri.PkgFmri(rf) if rpfmri.get_pkg_stem() != dpfmri.get_pkg_stem(): continue # Only substitute dependency if it actually # changed. if not rpfmri.version \ or rpfmri.get_version() != dpfmri.get_version(): return rf return fmri_str # If a varcet changed we might not find the matching action. return subs_undef_fmri_str(fmri_str, latest_ref_pkgs) def adjust_dep_action(pkg, act, latest_ref_pkgs, reversioned_pkgs, ref_xport): """Adjust dependency FMRIs of action 'act' if it is of type depend. The adjusted action will reference only FMRIs which are present in the reversioned repo. """ modified = False # Drop signatures (changed dependency will void signature value). if act.name == "signature": return # Ignore anything other than depend actions. elif act.name != "depend": return act # require-any and group-any deps are a list so convert every dep FMRI # into a list. fmris = act.attrlist("fmri") new_dep = [] for f in fmris: new_f = get_dep_fmri_str(f, pkg, act, latest_ref_pkgs, reversioned_pkgs, ref_xport) if not modified and f != new_f: modified = True new_dep.append(new_f) if not modified: return act if len(new_dep) == 1: new_dep = new_dep[0] nact = actions.fromstr(str(act)) nact.attrs["fmri"] = new_dep return nact def use_ref(a, deps, ignores): """Determine if the given action indicates that the pkg can be reversioned.""" if a.name == "set" and "name" in a.attrs: if a.attrs["name"] in ignores: return True # We ignore the pkg FMRI because this is what # will always change. if a.attrs["name"] == "pkg.fmri": return True # Signature will always change. if a.name == "signature": return True if a.name == "depend": # TODO: support dependency lists # For now, treat as content change. if not isinstance(a.attrs["fmri"], six.string_types): return False dpfmri = fmri.PkgFmri(a.attrs["fmri"]) deps.add(dpfmri.get_pkg_stem()) return True return False def do_reversion(pub, ref_pub, target_repo, ref_xport, changes, ignores, cmp_policy, ref_repo, ref, ref_xport_cfg): """Do the repo reversion. Return 'True' if repo got modified, 'False' otherwise.""" global temp_root, tracker, dry_run, repo_finished, repo_modified target_cat = target_repo.get_catalog(pub=pub) ref_cat = fetch_catalog(ref_pub, ref_xport, temp_root) latest_pkgs = get_latest(target_cat) latest_ref_pkgs = get_latest(ref_cat) no_revs = get_matching_pkgs(target_cat, changes) # We use bulk prefetching for faster transport of the manifests. # Prefetch requires an intent which it sends to the server. Here # we just use operation=reversion for all FMRIs. intent = "operation=reversion;" # use list() to force the zip() to evaluate ref_pkgs = list(zip(latest_ref_pkgs.values(), repeat(intent))) # Retrieve reference manifests. # Try prefetching manifests in bulk first for faster, parallel # transport. Retryable errors during prefetch are ignored and # manifests are retrieved again during the "Reading" phase. ref_xport.prefetch_manifests(ref_pkgs, progtrack=tracker) # Need to change the output of mfst_fetch since otherwise we # would see "Download Manifests x/y" twice, once from the # prefetch and once from the actual manifest analysis. tracker.mfst_fetch = progress.GoalTrackerItem(_("Analyzing Manifests")) tracker.manifest_fetch_start(len(latest_pkgs)) reversioned_pkgs = set() depend_changes = {} dups = 0 # target pkg has equal version to ref pkg new_p = 0 # target pkg not in ref sucs = 0 # ref pkg is successor to pkg in targ nrevs = 0 # pkgs requested to not be reversioned by user manifest_errors = set() for p in latest_pkgs: # First check if the package is in the list of FMRIs the user # doesn't want to reversion. if p in no_revs: nrevs += 1 tracker.manifest_fetch_progress(completion=True) continue # Check if the package is in the ref repo, if not: ignore. if p not in latest_ref_pkgs: new_p += 1 tracker.manifest_fetch_progress(completion=True) continue pfmri = latest_pkgs[p] # Ignore if latest package is the same in targ and ref. if pfmri == latest_ref_pkgs[p]: dups += 1 tracker.manifest_fetch_progress(completion=True) continue # Ignore packages where ref version is higher. if latest_ref_pkgs[p].is_successor(pfmri): sucs += 1 tracker.manifest_fetch_progress(completion=True) continue # Pull the manifests for target and ref repo. dm = get_manifest(target_repo, pub, pfmri) rm = ref_xport.get_manifest(latest_ref_pkgs[p]) tracker.manifest_fetch_progress(completion=True) tdeps = set() rdeps = set() # Diff target and ref manifest. # action only in targ, action only in ref, common action try: ta, ra, ca = manifest.Manifest.comm([dm, rm], cmp_policy=cmp_policy) except manifest.ManifestDuplicateError as e: manifest_errors.add(e) continue # Check for manifest changes. if not all(use_ref(a, tdeps, ignores) for a in ta) \ or not all(use_ref(a, rdeps, ignores) for a in ra): continue # Both dep lists should be equally long in case deps have just # changed. If not, it means a dep has been added or removed and # that means content change. if len(tdeps) != len(rdeps): continue # If len is not different we still have to make sure that # entries have the same pkg stem. The test above just saves time # in some cases. if not all(td in rdeps for td in tdeps): continue # Pkg only contains dependency change. Keep for further # analysis. if tdeps: depend_changes[pfmri.get_pkg_stem( anarchy=True)] = tdeps continue # Pkg passed all checks and can be reversioned. reversioned_pkgs.add(pfmri.get_pkg_stem(anarchy=True)) tracker.manifest_fetch_done() # No point continuing if errors in the manifests have # been detected. if manifest_errors: errmsg = ''.join(str(i) for i in manifest_errors) abort(err=_("Manifest error(s) found:\n{}").format(errmsg)) def has_changed(pstem, seen=None, depth=0): """Determine if a package or any of its dependencies has changed. Function will check if a dependency had a content change. If it only had a dependency change, analyze its dependencies recursively. Only if the whole dependency chain didn't have any content change it is safe to reversion the package. Note about circular dependencies: The function keeps track of pkgs it already processed by stuffing them into the set 'seen'. However, 'seen' gets updated before the child dependencies of the current pkg are examined. This works if 'seen' is only used for one dependency chain since the function immediately comes back with a True result if a pkg has changed further down the tree. However, if 'seen' is re-used between runs, it will return prematurely, likely returning wrong results. """ MAX_DEPTH = 100 if not seen: seen = set() if pstem in seen: return False depth += 1 if depth > MAX_DEPTH: # Let's make sure we don't run into any # recursion limits. If the dep chain is too deep # just treat as changed pkg. error(_("Dependency chain depth of >{md:d} detected for" " {p}.").format(md=MAX_DEPTH, p=p)) return True # Pkg has no change at all. if pstem in reversioned_pkgs: return False # Pkg must have content change, if it had no change it would be # in reversioned_pkgs, and if it had just a dep change it would # be in depend_changes. if pstem not in depend_changes: return True # We need to update 'seen' here, otherwise we won't find this # entry in case of a circular dependency. seen.add(pstem) return any( has_changed(d, seen, depth) for d in depend_changes[pstem] ) # Check if packages which just have a dep change can be reversioned by # checking if child dependencies also have no content change. dep_revs = 0 for p in depend_changes: if not has_changed(p): dep_revs += 1 reversioned_pkgs.add(p) status = [] if cmp_policy == CMP_UNSIGNED: status.append((_("WARNING: Signature changes in file content " "ignored in resurfacing"))) status.append((_("Packages to process:"), str(len(latest_pkgs)))) status.append((_("New packages:"), str(new_p))) status.append((_("Unmodified packages:"), str(dups))) if sucs: # This only happens if reference repo is ahead of target repo, # so only show if it actually happened. status.append((_("Packages with successors in " "reference repo:"), str(sucs))) if nrevs: # This only happens if user specified pkgs to not revert, # so only show if it actually happened. status.append((_("Packages not to be reversioned by user " "request:"), str(nrevs))) status.append((_("Packages with no content change:"), str(len(reversioned_pkgs) - dep_revs))) status.append((_("Packages which only have dependency change:"), str(len(depend_changes)))) status.append((_("Packages with unchanged dependency chain:"), str(dep_revs))) status.append((_("Packages to be reversioned:"), str(len(reversioned_pkgs)))) rjust_status = max(len(s[0]) for s in status) rjust_value = max(len(s[1]) for s in status) for s in status: msg("{0} {1}".format(s[0].rjust(rjust_status), s[1].rjust(rjust_value))) if not reversioned_pkgs: msg(_("\nNo packages to reversion.")) return False if dry_run: msg(_("\nReversioning packages (dry-run).")) else: msg(_("\nReversioning packages.")) # Start the main pass. Reversion packages from reversioned_pkgs to the # version in the ref repo. For packages which don't get reversioned, # check if the dependency versions are still correct, fix if necessary. tracker.reversion_start(len(latest_pkgs), len(reversioned_pkgs)) for p in latest_pkgs: tracker.reversion_add_progress(pfmri, pkgs=1) modified = False # Get the pkg fmri (pfmri) of the latest version based on if it # has been reversioned or not. stem = latest_pkgs[p].get_pkg_stem(anarchy=True) if stem in reversioned_pkgs: tracker.reversion_add_progress(pfmri, reversioned=1) if dry_run: continue pfmri = latest_ref_pkgs[p] # Retrieve manifest from ref repo and replace the one in # the target repo. We don't have to adjust depndencies # for these packages because they will not depend on # anything we'll reversion. rmani = ref_xport.get_manifest(pfmri) if cmp_policy == CMP_UNSIGNED: # Files with different signed content hash # values can have equivalent unsigned content # hash. CMP_UNSIGNED relaxes comparison # constraints and allows this case to compare # as equal. The reversioned manifest may # reference file data that is not present in # the target repository, so ensure that any # missing file data is added to the target # repository. add_missing_files(target_repo, pub, latest_pkgs[p], pfmri, rmani, ref, ref_repo, ref_xport, ref_xport_cfg, ref_pub) opath = target_repo.manifest(latest_pkgs[p], pub) os.remove(opath) path = target_repo.manifest(pfmri, pub) try: repo_modified = True repo_finished = False portable.rename(rmani.pathname, path) except OSError as e: abort(err=_("Could not reversion manifest " "{path}: {err}").format(path=path, err=str(e))) continue # For packages we don't reversion we have to check if they # depend on a reversioned package. # Since the version of this dependency might be removed from the # repo, we have to adjust the dep version to the one of the # reversioned pkg. pfmri = latest_pkgs[p] omani = get_manifest(target_repo, pub, pfmri) mani = manifest.Manifest(pfmri) for act in omani.gen_actions(): nact = adjust_dep_action(p, act, latest_ref_pkgs, reversioned_pkgs, ref_xport) if nact: mani.add_action(nact, misc.EmptyI) if nact is not act: modified = True # Only touch manifest if something actually changed. if modified: tracker.reversion_add_progress(pfmri, adjusted=1) if not dry_run: path = target_repo.manifest(pfmri, pub) repo_modified = True repo_finished = False mani.store(path) tracker.reversion_done() return True def add_missing_files(target_repo, pub, latest_pkg, pfmri, rmani, ref, ref_repo, ref_xport, ref_xport_cfg, ref_pub): """Add missing data from reference repository to target repository.""" tmani = get_manifest(target_repo, pub, latest_pkg) trstore = target_repo.get_pub_rstore(pub) thashes = frozenset( ta.hash for ta in tmani.gen_actions() if ta.has_payload) rhashes = frozenset( ra.hash for ra in rmani.gen_actions() if ra.has_payload) possible = rhashes - thashes if ref.scheme == "file": for h in possible: try: target_repo.file(h) continue except (sr.RepositoryUnsupportedOperationError, sr.RepositoryFileNotFoundError): pass try: trstore.copy_file(h, ref_repo.file(h)) except (EnvironmentError, sr.RepositoryFileNotFoundError) as e: abort(err=_("Could not reversion file " "{path}: {err}").format(path=h, err=str(e))) return pkgdir = ref_xport_cfg.get_pkg_dir(pfmri) mfile = ref_xport.multi_file_ni(ref_pub, pkgdir) downloaded = set() for a in rmani.gen_actions(): if (a.has_payload and a.hash in possible and a.hash not in downloaded): try: target_repo.file(a.hash) except (sr.RepositoryUnsupportedOperationError, sr.RepositoryFileNotFoundError): downloaded.add(a.hash) mfile.add_action(a) mfile.wait_files() for h in downloaded: src_path = os.path.join(pkgdir, h) try: trstore.insert_file(h, src_path) except (EnvironmentError, sr.RepositoryFileNotFoundError) as e: abort(err=_("Could not reversion file " "{path}: {err}").format(path=h, err=str(e))) def main_func(): global temp_root, repo_modified, repo_finished, repo_uri, tracker global dry_run global_settings.client_name = PKG_CLIENT_NAME try: opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "?c:i:np:r:s:u", ["help"]) except getopt.GetoptError as e: usage(_("illegal option -- {0}").format(e.opt)) dry_run = False ref_repo_uri = None repo_uri = os.getenv("PKG_REPO", None) changes = set() ignores = set() publishers = set() cmp_policy = CMP_ALL processed_pubs = 0 for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-c": changes.add(arg) elif opt == "-i": ignores.add(arg) elif opt == "-n": dry_run = True elif opt == "-p": publishers.add(arg) elif opt == "-r": ref_repo_uri = misc.parse_uri(arg) elif opt == "-s": repo_uri = misc.parse_uri(arg) elif opt == "-u": cmp_policy = CMP_UNSIGNED elif opt == "-?" or opt == "--help": usage(retcode=pkgdefs.EXIT_OK) if pargs: usage(_("Unexpected argument(s): {0}").format(" ".join(pargs))) if not repo_uri: usage(_("A target repository must be provided.")) if not ref_repo_uri: usage(_("A reference repository must be provided.")) target = publisher.RepositoryURI(misc.parse_uri(repo_uri)) if target.scheme != "file": abort(err=_("Target repository must be filesystem-based.")) try: target_repo = sr.Repository(read_only=dry_run, root=target.get_pathname()) except sr.RepositoryError as e: abort(str(e)) # Use the tmp directory in target repo for efficient file rename since # files are in the same file system. temp_root = target_repo.temp_root if not os.path.exists(temp_root): os.makedirs(temp_root) ref_incoming_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=temp_root) ref_pkg_root = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=temp_root) ref_xport, ref_xport_cfg = transport.setup_transport() ref_xport_cfg.incoming_root = ref_incoming_dir ref_xport_cfg.pkg_root = ref_pkg_root transport.setup_publisher(ref_repo_uri, "ref", ref_xport, ref_xport_cfg, remote_prefix=True) ref_repo = None ref = publisher.RepositoryURI(misc.parse_uri(ref_repo_uri)) if ref.scheme == "file": try: # It is possible that the client does not # have write access to the reference repo # so open it read-only to prevent the # attempt to create a lock file in it. ref_repo = sr.Repository(read_only=True, root=ref.get_pathname()) except sr.RepositoryError as e: abort(str(e)) tracker = get_tracker() for pub in target_repo.publishers: if publishers and pub not in publishers \ and '*' not in publishers: continue msg(_("Processing packages for publisher {0} ...").format(pub)) # Find the matching pub in the ref repo. for ref_pub in ref_xport_cfg.gen_publishers(): if ref_pub.prefix == pub: found = True break else: txt = _("Publisher {0} not found in reference " "repository.").format(pub) if publishers: abort(err=txt) else: txt += _(" Skipping.") msg(txt) continue processed_pubs += 1 rev = do_reversion(pub, ref_pub, target_repo, ref_xport, changes, ignores, cmp_policy, ref_repo, ref, ref_xport_cfg) # If anything was reversioned rebuild the catalog and index # to reflect those changes. if rev and not dry_run: msg(_("Rebuilding repository catalog.")) target_repo.rebuild(pub=pub, build_index=True) repo_finished = True ret = pkgdefs.EXIT_OK if processed_pubs == 0: msg(_("No matching publishers could be found.")) ret = pkgdefs.EXIT_OOPS cleanup() return ret # # Establish a specific exit status which means: "python barfed an exception" # so that we can more easily detect these in testing of the CLI commands. # if __name__ == "__main__": misc.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "", error) gettext.install("pkg", "/usr/share/locale", codeset=locale.getpreferredencoding()) misc.set_fd_limits(printer=error) if six.PY3: # disable ResourceWarning: unclosed file warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=ResourceWarning) try: __ret = main_func() except PipeError: # We don't want to display any messages here to prevent # possible further broken pipe (EPIPE) errors. cleanup(no_msg =True) __ret = pkgdefs.EXIT_OOPS except (KeyboardInterrupt, api_errors.CanceledException): cleanup() __ret = pkgdefs.EXIT_OOPS except (actions.ActionError, RuntimeError, api_errors.ApiException) as _e: error(_e) cleanup() __ret = pkgdefs.EXIT_OOPS except EnvironmentError as _e: error(api_errors._convert_error(_e)) cleanup() __ret = pkgdefs.EXIT_OOPS except SystemExit as _e: cleanup() raise _e except: traceback.print_exc() error(misc.get_traceback_message()) __ret = 99 sys.exit(__ret)