Hallo, dies ist ein Test.
PWD: /www/data-lst1/unixsoft/unixsoft/kaempfer/.public_html
Running in File Mode
Relative path: ./../../../../../../bin/pkgdiff
Real path: /usr/bin/pkgdiff
#!/usr/bin/python3.7 -Es # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Copyright (c) 2009, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. # import pkg.no_site_packages import getopt import gettext import locale import six import sys import traceback import warnings from functools import cmp_to_key import pkg.actions import pkg.variant as variant import pkg.client.api_errors as apx import pkg.manifest as manifest import pkg.misc as misc from pkg.misc import PipeError, CMP_UNSIGNED, CMP_ALL from collections import defaultdict from itertools import product from pkg.client.pkgdefs import EXIT_OK, EXIT_OOPS, EXIT_BADOPT, EXIT_PARTIAL def usage(errmsg="", exitcode=EXIT_BADOPT): """Emit a usage message and optionally prefix it with a more specific error message. Causes program to exit.""" if errmsg: print("pkgdiff: {0}".format(errmsg), file=sys.stderr) print(_("""\ Usage: pkgdiff [-i attribute]... [-o attribute] [-t action_name[,action_name]...]... [-v name=value]... (file1 | -) (file2 | -)""")) sys.exit(exitcode) def error(text, exitcode=EXIT_PARTIAL): """Emit an error message prefixed by the command name """ print("pkgdiff: {0}".format(text), file=sys.stderr) if exitcode != None: sys.exit(exitcode) def main_func(): ignoreattrs = [] onlyattrs = [] onlytypes = [] varattrs = defaultdict(set) cmp_policy = CMP_ALL try: opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "i:o:t:uv:?", ["help"]) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-i": ignoreattrs.append(arg) elif opt == "-o": onlyattrs.append(arg) elif opt == "-t": onlytypes.extend(arg.split(",")) elif opt == "-u": cmp_policy = CMP_UNSIGNED elif opt == "-v": args = arg.split("=") if len(args) != 2: usage(_("variant option incorrect {0}").format( arg)) if not args[0].startswith("variant."): args[0] = "variant." + args[0] varattrs[args[0]].add(args[1]) elif opt in ("--help", "-?"): usage(exitcode=EXIT_OK) except getopt.GetoptError as e: usage(_("illegal global option -- {0}").format(e.opt)) if len(pargs) != 2: usage(_("two manifest arguments are required")) if (pargs[0] == "-" and pargs[1] == "-"): usage(_("only one manifest argument can be stdin")) if ignoreattrs and onlyattrs: usage(_("-i and -o options may not be used at the same time.")) for v in varattrs: if len(varattrs[v]) > 1: usage(_("For any variant, only one value may be " "specified.")) varattrs[v] = varattrs[v].pop() ignoreattrs = set(ignoreattrs) onlyattrs = set(onlyattrs) onlytypes = set(onlytypes) utypes = set( t for t in onlytypes if t == "generic" or t not in pkg.actions.types ) if utypes: usage(_("unknown action types: {0}".format( apx.list_to_lang(list(utypes))))) manifest1 = manifest.Manifest() manifest2 = manifest.Manifest() try: # This assumes that both pargs are not '-'. for p, m in zip(pargs, (manifest1, manifest2)): if p == "-": m.set_content(content=sys.stdin.read()) else: m.set_content(pathname=p) except (pkg.actions.ActionError, apx.InvalidPackageErrors) as e: error(_("Action error in file {p}: {e}").format(**locals())) except (EnvironmentError, apx.ApiException) as e: error(e) # # manifest filtering # # filter action type if onlytypes: for m in (manifest1, manifest2): # Must pass complete list of actions to set_content, not # a generator, to avoid clobbering manifest contents. m.set_content(content=list(m.gen_actions_by_types( onlytypes))) # filter variant v1 = manifest1.get_all_variants() v2 = manifest2.get_all_variants() for vname in varattrs: for _path, v, m in zip(pargs, (v1, v2), (manifest1, manifest2)): if vname not in v: continue filt = varattrs[vname] if filt not in v[vname]: usage(_("Manifest {path} doesn't support " "variant {vname}={filt}".format(**locals()))) # remove the variant tag def rip(a): a.attrs.pop(vname, None) return a m.set_content([ rip(a) for a in m.gen_actions(excludes=[ variant.Variants({vname: filt}).allow_action]) ]) m[vname] = filt if varattrs: # need to rebuild these if we're filtering variants v1 = manifest1.get_all_variants() v2 = manifest2.get_all_variants() # we need to be a little clever about variants, since # we can have multiple actions w/ the same key attributes # in each manifest in that case. First, make sure any variants # of the same name have the same values defined. for k in set(v1.keys()) & set(v2.keys()): if v1[k] != v2[k]: error(_("Manifests support different variants " "{v1} {v2}").format(v1=v1, v2=v2)) # Now, get a list of all possible variant values, including None # across all variants and both manifests v_values = dict() for v in v1: v1[v].add(None) for a in v1[v]: v_values.setdefault(v, set()).add((v, a)) for v in v2: v2[v].add(None) for a in v2[v]: v_values.setdefault(v, set()).add((v, a)) diffs = [] for tup in product(*v_values.values()): # build excludes closure to examine only actions exactly # matching current variant values... this is needed to # avoid confusing manifest difference code w/ multiple # actions w/ same key attribute values or getting dups # in output def allow(a, publisher=None): for k, v in tup: if v is not None: if k not in a.attrs or a.attrs[k] != v: return False elif k in a.attrs: return False return True a, c, r = manifest2.difference(manifest1, [allow], [allow], cmp_policy=cmp_policy) diffs += a diffs += c diffs += r # License action still causes spurious diffs... check again for now. real_diffs = [ (a, b) for a, b in diffs if a is None or b is None or a.different(b, cmp_policy=cmp_policy) ] if not real_diffs: return 0 # define some ordering functions so that output is easily readable # First, a human version of action comparison that works across # variants and action changes... def compare(a, b): # pull the relevant action out of the old value, new # value tuples a = a[0] if a[0] else a[1] b = b[0] if b[0] else b[1] if hasattr(a, "key_attr") and hasattr(b, "key_attr") and \ a.key_attr == b.key_attr: res = misc.cmp(a.attrs[a.key_attr], b.attrs[b.key_attr]) if res != NotImplemented: return res # sort by variant res = misc.cmp(sorted(list(a.get_variant_template())), sorted(list(b.get_variant_template()))) if res != NotImplemented: return res else: res = misc.cmp(a.ordinality, b.ordinality) if res != NotImplemented: return res # Fall back to a simple string compare if we have # differing types (indicated by the above NotImplemented # return values. return misc.cmp(str(a), str(b)) # sort and.... diffs = sorted(diffs, key=cmp_to_key(compare)) # handle list attributes def attrval(attrs, k, elide_iter=tuple()): def q(s): if " " in s or s == "": return '"{0}"'.format(s) else: return s v = attrs[k] if isinstance(v, list) or isinstance(v, set): out = " ".join([ "{0}={1}".format(k, q(lmt)) for lmt in sorted(v) if lmt not in elide_iter ]) elif " " in v or v == "": out = k + "=\"" + v + "\"" else: out = k + "=" + v return out # figure out when to print diffs def conditional_print(s, a): if onlyattrs: if not set(a.attrs.keys()) & onlyattrs: return False elif ignoreattrs: if not set(a.attrs.keys()) - ignoreattrs: return False print("{0} {1}".format(s, a)) return True different = False for old, new in diffs: if not new: different |= conditional_print("-", old) elif not old: different |= conditional_print("+", new) else: s = [] if not onlyattrs: if (hasattr(old, "hash") and "hash" not in ignoreattrs): if old.hash != new.hash: s.append(" - {0}".format(old.hash)) s.append(" + {0}".format(new.hash)) attrdiffs = (set(new.differences(old)) - ignoreattrs) attrsames = sorted( list(set(list(old.attrs.keys()) + list(new.attrs.keys())) - set(new.differences(old)))) else: if hasattr(old, "hash") and "hash" in onlyattrs: if old.hash != new.hash: s.append(" - {0}".format(old.hash)) s.append(" + {0}".format(new.hash)) attrdiffs = (set(new.differences(old)) & onlyattrs) attrsames = sorted(list(set(list(old.attrs.keys()) + list(new.attrs.keys())) - set(new.differences(old)))) for a in sorted(attrdiffs): if a in old.attrs and a in new.attrs and \ isinstance(old.attrs[a], list) and \ isinstance(new.attrs[a], list): elide_set = (set(old.attrs[a]) & set(new.attrs[a])) else: elide_set = set() if a in old.attrs: diff_str = attrval(old.attrs, a, elide_iter=elide_set) if diff_str: s.append(" - {0}".format(diff_str)) if a in new.attrs: diff_str = attrval(new.attrs, a, elide_iter=elide_set) if diff_str: s.append(" + {0}".format(diff_str)) # print out part of action that is the same if s: different = True print("{0} {1} {2}".format(old.name, attrval(old.attrs, old.key_attr), " ".join(("{0}".format(attrval(old.attrs, v)) for v in attrsames if v != old.key_attr)))) for l in s: print(l) return int(different) if __name__ == "__main__": misc.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "", error) gettext.install("pkg", "/usr/share/locale", codeset=locale.getpreferredencoding()) misc.set_fd_limits(printer=error) if six.PY3: # disable ResourceWarning: unclosed file warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=ResourceWarning) try: exit_code = main_func() except (PipeError, KeyboardInterrupt): exit_code = EXIT_OOPS except SystemExit as __e: exit_code = __e except Exception as __e: traceback.print_exc() error(misc.get_traceback_message(), exitcode=None) exit_code = 99 sys.exit(exit_code)