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<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> HUB-IfI: Address </TITLE> <meta name="description" content="Address of Department of Computer Science"> <meta name="keywords" content="address, way, department, computer, science, Humboldt, university, studies, Berlin"> <meta name="author" content="Uwe Knauer"> <!-- created 26.11.96 last updated read bottom of page --> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- /* Explorer abfangen */ function noframes() {}; function hideicon() {}; /* Navigationsleiste austauschen */ function barframe(url) { if(top.frames.length>0) parent.frames[0].location.href=url; } //--> </script> <script language="JavaScript1.1"> <!-- /* Frames bei Bedarf abschalten */ function noframes() { if(top.frames.length>0) top.location.href=self.location; }; /* wenn nicht im Frame, dann Icon tarnen: */ function hideicon() { if(top.frames.length==0) { /* vorletzte Grafik unsichtbar machen */ document.images[document.images.length-2].src="/icons/s_butt_transparent.gif"; } } //--> </script> </HEAD> <BODY bgcolor="#ffffff" onLoad="hideicon(); return true;"> <!-- Seitentitel --> <a name=Titel> <table width=100% background="/icons/blueback.gif" bgcolor="#0000cc" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5> <tr> <td height=70 valign=middle> <font face="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial" color=#ffffff size=-3> <nobr>Humboldt University Berlin</nobr> <nobr>Department of Computer Science</nobr></font> <br> <font face="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial" color=#ffffff size=+2><i><b> Address of the department </b></i></font> </td> <td align=right valign=middle cellpadding=10> <a href="adresse.html" target="_self" onClick="barframe('/vbar.html');"> <img src="/icons/switch_en.gif" alt="Diese Seite auf Deutsch" height=56 width=24 align=right border=0 hspace=10> </a> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- Seitenbody --> <br> <table border="0"> <tr><td width="20"> </td> <td> <!-- Textcontainer --> <DL> <DT><STRONG>Postal address:</STRONG></DT> <DD><ADDRESS> Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin<BR> Institut für Informatik<BR> Unter den Linden 6<BR> 10099 Berlin </ADDRESS></DD> <br> <DT><STRONG>Location:</STRONG></DT> <DD><ADDRESS> Rudower Chaussee 25 (Johann von Neumann-Haus)<BR> 12489 Berlin </ADDRESS></DD> </DL> You may get to us by <DL> <DT><STRONG>Public transportation:</STRONG></DT> <DD><UL> <LI>S-Bahn: Station Adlershof</LI> <LI> from the S-Bahn station use bus No 360 (three busstops) </UL></DD> <DT></DT> <img src="/icons/adlershof.gif"border=0 alt="Map of Adlershof"> </DL> </td></tr></table> <!-- Ende Textcontainer --> <!-- Seitenfuss --> <table width=100% background="/icons/blueback.gif" bgcolor="#0000cc" border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5> <tr> <td width=50% align=left cellpadding=4> <a href="#Titel" target="_top" onClick="noframes(); return true;" onMouseOver="window.status=''; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status=''; return true;"> <img src="/icons/s_frames.gif" alt="No Frames" name="NoFrame" border=0 height=12 width=22></a> </td> <td align=right> <font face="Verdana, Helvetica, Arial" size=-3 color=#ccccff><i> <a href="mailto:wwwadmin@informatik.hu-berlin.de"> <img src="/icons/s_mail.gif" alt="E-Mail" width=16 height=10 border=0></a> WWW-Admin, 29.Jan 2002 </i></font> </td> </tr> </table> </BODY> </HTML>