Hallo, dies ist ein Test.
PWD: /www/data-lst1/unixsoft/unixsoft/kaempfer/.public_html
Running in File Mode
Relative path: ./../../../../.././../bin/./pkgrecv
Real path: /usr/bin/pkgrecv
#!/usr/bin/python3.7 -Es # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Copyright (c) 2008, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. # import pkg.no_site_packages import calendar import errno import getopt import gettext import locale import os import shutil import sys import tempfile import traceback import warnings import pkg.actions as actions import pkg.catalog as catalog import pkg.client.progress as progress import pkg.fmri import pkg.manifest as manifest import pkg.client.api_errors as apx import pkg.client.pkgdefs as pkgdefs import pkg.client.publisher as publisher import pkg.client.transport.transport as transport import pkg.misc as misc import pkg.mogrify as mog import pkg.p5p import pkg.pkgsubprocess as subprocess import pkg.publish.transaction as trans import pkg.server.repository as sr import pkg.version as version from pkg.client import global_settings from pkg.misc import emsg, get_pkg_otw_size, msg, PipeError from pkg.client.debugvalues import DebugValues from six.moves.urllib.parse import quote # Globals archive = False cache_dir = None src_cat = None download_start = False tmpdirs = [] temp_root = None xport = None xport_cfg = None dest_xport = None targ_pub = None target = None def error(text): """Emit an error message prefixed by the command name """ # If we get passed something like an Exception, we can convert # it down to a string. text = str(text) # If the message starts with whitespace, assume that it should come # *before* the command-name prefix. text_nows = text.lstrip() ws = text[:len(text) - len(text_nows)] # This has to be a constant value as we can't reliably get our actual # program name on all platforms. emsg(ws + "pkgrecv: " + text_nows) def usage(usage_error=None, retcode=2): """Emit a usage message and optionally prefix it with a more specific error message. Causes program to exit.""" if usage_error: error(usage_error) msg(_("""\ Usage: pkgrecv [-aknrv] [-s src_uri] [-d (path|dest_uri)] [-c cache_dir] [-m match] [--mog-file file_path ...] [--raw] [--key src_key --cert src_cert] [--dkey dest_key --dcert dest_cert] (fmri|pattern) ... pkgrecv [-s src_repo_uri] --newest pkgrecv [-nv] [-s src_repo_uri] [-d path] [-p publisher ...] [--key src_key --cert src_cert] --clone Options: -a Store the retrieved package data in a pkg(7) archive at the location specified by -d. The file may not already exist, and this option may only be used with filesystem-based destinations. -c cache_dir The path to a directory that will be used to cache downloaded content. If one is not supplied, the client will automatically pick a cache directory. In the case where a download is interrupted, and a cache directory was automatically chosen, use this option to resume the download. -d path_or_uri The filesystem path or URI of the target repository to republish packages to. The target must already exist. New repositories can be created using pkgrepo(1). -h Display this usage message. -k Keep the retrieved package content compressed, ignored when republishing. Should not be used with pkgsend. -m match Controls matching behaviour using the following values: all-timestamps (default) includes all matching timestamps (implies all-versions) all-versions includes all matching versions latest includes only the latest version of each package -n Perform a trial run with no changes made. -v Display verbose output. -p publisher Only clone the given publisher. Can be specified multiple times. Only valid with --clone. -r Recursively evaluates all dependencies for the provided list of packages and adds them to the list. -s src_repo_uri A URI representing the location of a pkg(7) repository to retrieve package data from. --clone Make an exact copy of the source repository. By default, the clone operation will only succeed if publishers in the source repository are also present in the destination. By using -p, the operation can be limited to specific publishers which will be added to the destination repository if not already present. Packages in the destination repository which are not in the source will be removed. Cloning will leave the destination repository altered in case of an error. --mog-file Specifies the path to a file containing pkgmogrify(1) transforms to be applied to every package before it is copied to the destination. A path of '-' can be specified to use stdin. This option can be specified multiple times. This option can not be combined with --clone. --newest List the most recent versions of the packages available from the specified repository and exit. (All other options except -s will be ignored.) --raw Retrieve and store the raw package data in a set of directory structures by stem and version at the location specified by -d. May only be used with filesystem- based destinations. --key src_key Specify a client SSL key file to use for pkg retrieval. --cert src_cert Specify a client SSL certificate file to use for pkg retrieval. --dkey dest_key Specify a client SSL key file to use for pkg publication. --dcert dest_cert Specify a client SSL certificate file to use for pkg publication. Environment: PKG_DEST Destination directory or URI PKG_SRC Source URI or path""")) sys.exit(retcode) def cleanup(caller_error=False): """To be called at program finish.""" for d in tmpdirs: # If the cache_dir is in the list of directories that should # be cleaned up, but we're exiting with an error, then preserve # the directory so downloads may be resumed. if d == cache_dir and caller_error and download_start: error(_("\n\nCached files were preserved in the " "following directory:\n\t{0}\nUse pkgrecv -c " "to resume the interrupted download.").format( cache_dir)) continue shutil.rmtree(d, ignore_errors=True) if caller_error and dest_xport and targ_pub and not archive: try: dest_xport.publish_refresh_packages(targ_pub) except apx.TransportError: # If this fails, ignore it as this was a last ditch # attempt anyway. pass def abort(err=None, retcode=1): """To be called when a fatal error is encountered.""" if err: # Clear any possible output first. msg("") error(err) cleanup(caller_error=True) sys.exit(retcode) def get_tracker(): try: progresstracker = \ progress.FancyUNIXProgressTracker() except progress.ProgressTrackerException: progresstracker = progress.CommandLineProgressTracker() progresstracker.set_major_phase(progresstracker.PHASE_UTILITY) return progresstracker def get_manifest(pfmri, xport_cfg, validate=False): m = None pkgdir = xport_cfg.get_pkg_dir(pfmri) mpath = xport_cfg.get_pkg_pathname(pfmri) if not os.path.exists(mpath): m = xport.get_manifest(pfmri) else: # A FactoredManifest is used here to reduce peak memory # usage (notably when -r was specified). try: m = manifest.FactoredManifest(pfmri, pkgdir) except: abort(err=_("Unable to parse manifest '{mpath}' for " "package '{pfmri}'").format(**locals())) if validate: errors = [] for a in m.gen_actions(): try: a.validate(fmri=pfmri) except Exception as e: errors.append(e) if errors: raise apx.InvalidPackageErrors(errors) return m def expand_fmri(pfmri, constraint=version.CONSTRAINT_AUTO): """Find matching fmri using CONSTRAINT_AUTO cache for performance. Returns None if no matching fmri is found.""" if isinstance(pfmri, str): pfmri = pkg.fmri.PkgFmri(pfmri) # Iterate in reverse so newest version is evaluated first. versions = [e for e in src_cat.fmris_by_version(pfmri.pkg_name)] for v, fmris in reversed(versions): for f in fmris: if not pfmri.version or \ f.version.is_successor(pfmri.version, constraint): return f return def get_dependencies(fmri_list, xport_cfg, tracker): old_limit = sys.getrecursionlimit() # The user may be recursing 'entire' or 'redistributable'. sys.setrecursionlimit(3000) s = set() for f in fmri_list: _get_dependencies(s, f, xport_cfg, tracker) # Restore the previous default. sys.setrecursionlimit(old_limit) return list(s) def _get_dependencies(s, pfmri, xport_cfg, tracker): """Expand all dependencies.""" # XXX??? # tracker.evaluate_progress(pkgfmri=pfmri) s.add(pfmri) m = get_manifest(pfmri, xport_cfg) for a in m.gen_actions_by_type("depend"): for fmri_str in a.attrlist("fmri"): new_fmri = expand_fmri(fmri_str) if new_fmri and new_fmri not in s: _get_dependencies(s, new_fmri, xport_cfg, tracker) return s def get_sizes(mfst): """Takes a manifest and return (get_bytes, get_files, send_bytes, send_comp_bytes) tuple.""" getb = 0 getf = 0 sendb = 0 sendcb = 0 hashes = set() for a in mfst.gen_actions(): if a.has_payload and a.hash not in hashes: hashes.add(a.hash) getb += get_pkg_otw_size(a) getf += 1 sendb += int(a.attrs.get("pkg.size", 0)) sendcb += int(a.attrs.get("pkg.csize", 0)) if a.name == "signature": getf += len(a.get_chain_certs()) getb += a.get_action_chain_csize() return getb, getf, sendb, sendcb def add_hashes_to_multi(mfst, multi): """Takes a manifest and a multi object and adds the hashes to the multi object.""" hashes = set() for a in mfst.gen_actions(): if a.has_payload and a.hash not in hashes: multi.add_action(a) hashes.add(a.hash) def prune(fmri_list, all_versions, all_timestamps): """Returns a filtered version of fmri_list based on the provided parameters.""" if all_timestamps: pass elif all_versions: dedup = {} for f in fmri_list: dedup.setdefault(f.get_short_fmri(), []).append(f) fmri_list = [sorted(dedup[f], reverse=True)[0] for f in dedup] else: dedup = {} for f in fmri_list: dedup.setdefault(f.pkg_name, []).append(f) fmri_list = [sorted(dedup[f], reverse=True)[0] for f in dedup] return fmri_list def fetch_catalog(src_pub, tracker, txport, target_catalog, include_updates=False): """Fetch the catalog from src_uri. target_catalog is a hint about whether this is a destination catalog, which helps the progress tracker render the refresh output properly.""" src_uri = src_pub.repository.origins[0].uri tracker.refresh_start(1, full_refresh=True, target_catalog=target_catalog) tracker.refresh_start_pub(src_pub) if not src_pub.meta_root: # Create a temporary directory for catalog. cat_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=temp_root, prefix=global_settings.client_name + "-") tmpdirs.append(cat_dir) src_pub.meta_root = cat_dir src_pub.transport = txport try: src_pub.refresh(full_refresh=True, immediate=True, progtrack=tracker, include_updates=include_updates) except apx.TransportError as e: # Assume that a catalog doesn't exist for the target publisher, # and drive on. If there was an actual failure due to a # transport issue, let the failure happen whenever some other # operation is attempted later. return catalog.Catalog(read_only=True) finally: tracker.refresh_end_pub(src_pub) tracker.refresh_done() return src_pub.catalog def main_func(): global archive, cache_dir, download_start, xport, xport_cfg, \ dest_xport, temp_root, targ_pub, target all_timestamps = True all_versions = False dry_run = False keep_compressed = False list_newest = False recursive = False src_uri = None incoming_dir = None src_pub = None raw = False key = None cert = None dkey = None dcert = None mog_files = [] publishers = [] clone = False verbose = False temp_root = misc.config_temp_root() global_settings.client_name = "pkgrecv" target = os.environ.get("PKG_DEST", None) src_uri = os.environ.get("PKG_SRC", None) try: opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ac:D:d:hkm:np:rs:v", ["cert=", "key=", "dcert=", "dkey=", "mog-file=", "newest", "raw", "debug=", "clone"]) except getopt.GetoptError as e: usage(_("Illegal option -- {0}").format(e.opt)) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-a": archive = True elif opt == "-c": cache_dir = arg elif opt == "--clone": clone = True elif opt == "-d": target = arg elif opt == "-D" or opt == "--debug": if arg in ["plan", "transport", "mogrify"]: key = arg value = "True" else: try: key, value = arg.split("=", 1) except (AttributeError, ValueError): usage(_("{opt} takes argument of form " "name=value, not {arg}").format( opt= opt, arg=arg)) DebugValues.set_value(key, value) elif opt == "-h": usage(retcode=0) elif opt == "-k": keep_compressed = True elif opt == "-m": if arg == "all-timestamps": all_timestamps = True all_versions = False elif arg == "all-versions": all_timestamps = False all_versions = True elif arg == "latest": all_timestamps = False all_versions = False else: usage(_("Illegal option value -- {0}").format( arg)) elif opt == "-n": dry_run = True elif opt == "-p": publishers.append(arg) elif opt == "-r": recursive = True elif opt == "-s": src_uri = arg elif opt == "-v": verbose = True elif opt == "--mog-file": mog_files.append(arg) elif opt == "--newest": list_newest = True elif opt == "--raw": raw = True elif opt == "--key": key = arg elif opt == "--cert": cert = arg elif opt == "--dkey": dkey = arg elif opt == "--dcert": dcert = arg if not list_newest and not target: usage(_("a destination must be provided")) if not src_uri: usage(_("a source repository must be provided")) else: src_uri = misc.parse_uri(src_uri) if not cache_dir: cache_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=temp_root, prefix=global_settings.client_name + "-") # Only clean-up cache dir if implicitly created by pkgrecv. # User's cache-dirs should be preserved tmpdirs.append(cache_dir) else: if clone: usage(_("--clone can not be used with -c.\n" "Content will be downloaded directly to the " "destination repository and re-downloading after a " "pkgrecv failure will not be required.")) if clone and raw: usage(_("--clone can not be used with --raw.\n")) if clone and archive: usage(_("--clone can not be used with -a.\n")) if clone and list_newest: usage(_("--clone can not be used with --newest.\n")) if clone and pargs: usage(_("--clone does not support FMRI patterns")) if publishers and not clone: usage(_("-p can only be used with --clone.\n")) if mog_files and clone: usage(_("--mog-file can not be used with --clone.\n")) incoming_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=temp_root, prefix=global_settings.client_name + "-") tmpdirs.append(incoming_dir) # Create transport and transport config xport, xport_cfg = transport.setup_transport() xport_cfg.add_cache(cache_dir, readonly=False) xport_cfg.incoming_root = incoming_dir # Since publication destinations may only have one repository configured # per publisher, create destination as separate transport in case source # and destination have identical publisher configuration but different # repository endpoints. dest_xport, dest_xport_cfg = transport.setup_transport() dest_xport_cfg.add_cache(cache_dir, readonly=False) dest_xport_cfg.incoming_root = incoming_dir # Configure src publisher(s). transport.setup_publisher(src_uri, "source", xport, xport_cfg, remote_prefix=True, ssl_key=key, ssl_cert=cert) args = (pargs, target, list_newest, all_versions, all_timestamps, keep_compressed, raw, recursive, dry_run, verbose, dest_xport_cfg, src_uri, dkey, dcert) if clone: args += (publishers,) return clone_repo(*args) args += (mog_files,) if archive: # Retrieving package data for archival requires a different mode # of operation so gets its own routine. Notably, it requires # that all package data be retrieved before the archival process # is started. return archive_pkgs(*args) # Normal package transfer allows operations on a per-package basis. return transfer_pkgs(*args) def check_processed(any_matched, any_unmatched, total_processed): # Reduce unmatched patterns to those that were unmatched for all # publishers. unmatched = set(any_unmatched) - set(any_matched) if not unmatched: return # If any match failures remain, abort with an error. rval = 1 if total_processed > 0: rval = 3 abort(str(apx.PackageMatchErrors(unmatched_fmris=unmatched)), retcode=rval) def get_matches(src_pub, tracker, xport, pargs, any_unmatched, any_matched, all_versions, all_timestamps, recursive): """Returns the set of matching FMRIs for the given arguments.""" global src_cat src_cat = fetch_catalog(src_pub, tracker, xport, False) # Avoid overhead of going through matching if user requested all # packages. if "*" not in pargs and "*@*" not in pargs: try: matches, refs, unmatched = \ src_cat.get_matching_fmris(pargs) except apx.PackageMatchErrors as e: abort(str(e)) # Track anything that failed to match. any_unmatched.extend(unmatched) any_matched.extend(set(p for p in refs.values())) matches = list(set(f for m in matches.values() for f in m)) else: matches = [f for f in src_cat.fmris()] if not matches: # No matches at all; nothing to do for this publisher. return matches matches = prune(matches, all_versions, all_timestamps) if recursive: msg(_("Retrieving manifests for dependency " "evaluation ...")) matches = prune(get_dependencies(matches, xport_cfg, tracker), all_versions, all_timestamps) return matches def __mog_helper(mog_files, fmri, mpathname): """Helper routine for mogrifying manifest. Precondition: mog_files has at least one element.""" ignoreincludes = False mog_verbose = False includes = [] macros = {} printinfo = [] output = [] line_buffer = [] # Set mogrify in verbose mode for debugging. if DebugValues.get_value("mogrify"): mog_verbose = True # Take out "-" symbol. If the only one element is "-", input_files # will be empty, then stdin is used. If more than elements, the # effect of "-" will be ignored, and system only takes input from # real files provided. input_files = [mf for mf in mog_files if mf != "-"] mog.process_mog(input_files, ignoreincludes, mog_verbose, includes, macros, printinfo, output, error_cb=None, sys_supply_files=[mpathname]) try: for p in printinfo: print("{0}".format(p), file=sys.stdout) except IOError as e: error(_("Cannot write extra data {0}").format(e)) # Collect new contents of mogrified manifest. # emitted tracks output so far to avoid duplicates. emitted = set() for comment, actionlist, prepended_macro in output: if comment: for l in comment: line_buffer.append("{0}" .format(l)) for i, action in enumerate(actionlist): if action is None: continue if prepended_macro is None: s = "{0}".format(action) else: s = "{0}{1}".format( prepended_macro, action) # The first action is the original # action and should be collected; # later actions are all emitted and # should only be collected if not # duplicates. if i == 0: line_buffer.append(s) elif s not in emitted: line_buffer.append(s) emitted.add(s) # Print the mogrified result for debugging purpose. if mog_verbose: print("{0}".format("Mogrified manifest for {0}: (subject to " "validation)\n".format(fmri.get_fmri(anarchy=True, include_scheme=False))), file=sys.stdout) for line in line_buffer: print("{0}".format(line), file=sys.stdout) # Find the mogrified fmri. Make it equal to the old fmri first just # to make sure it always has a value. nfmri = fmri new_lines = [] for al in line_buffer: if not al.strip(): continue if al.strip().startswith("#"): continue try: act = actions.fromstr(al) except Exception as e: # If any exception encoutered here, that means the # action is corrupted with mogrify. abort(e) if act.name == "set" and act.attrs["name"] == "pkg.fmri": # Construct mogrified new fmri. try: nfmri = pkg.fmri.PkgFmri( act.attrs["value"]) except Exception as ex: abort("Invalid FMRI for set action:\n{0}" .format(al)) if hasattr(act, "hash"): # Drop the signature. if act.name == "signature": continue # Check whether new contents such as files and licenses # was added via mogrify. This should not be allowed. if "pkg.size" not in act.attrs: abort("Adding new hashable content {0} is not " "allowed.".format(act.hash)) elif act.name == "depend": try: fmris = act.attrs["fmri"] if not isinstance(fmris, list): fmris = [fmris] for f in fmris: pkg.fmri.PkgFmri(f) except Exception as ex: abort("Invalid FMRI(s) for depend action:\n{0}" .format(al)) new_lines.append(al) return (nfmri, new_lines) def _rm_temp_raw_files(fmri, xport_cfg, ignore_errors=False): # pkgdir is a directory with format: pkg_name/version. # pkg_parentdir is the actual pkg_name directory. pkgdir = xport_cfg.get_pkg_dir(fmri) pkg_parentdir = os.path.dirname(pkgdir) shutil.rmtree(pkgdir, ignore_errors=ignore_errors) # If the parent directory become empty, # remove it as well. if not os.listdir(pkg_parentdir): shutil.rmtree(pkg_parentdir, ignore_errors=ignore_errors) def archive_pkgs(pargs, target, list_newest, all_versions, all_timestamps, keep_compresed, raw, recursive, dry_run, verbose, dest_xport_cfg, src_uri, dkey, dcert, mog_files): """Retrieve source package data completely and then archive it.""" global cache_dir, download_start, xport, xport_cfg do_mog = False if mog_files: do_mog = True target = os.path.abspath(target) if os.path.exists(target): error(_("Target archive '{0}' already " "exists.").format(target)) abort() # Open the archive early so that permissions failures, etc. can be # detected before actual work is started. if not dry_run: pkg_arc = pkg.p5p.Archive(target, mode="w") basedir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=temp_root, prefix=global_settings.client_name + "-") tmpdirs.append(basedir) # Retrieve package data for all publishers. any_unmatched = [] any_matched = [] invalid_manifests = [] total_processed = 0 arc_bytes = 0 archive_list = [] for src_pub in xport_cfg.gen_publishers(): # Root must be per publisher on the off chance that multiple # publishers have the same package. xport_cfg.pkg_root = os.path.join(basedir, src_pub.prefix) tracker = get_tracker() msg(_("Retrieving packages for publisher {0} ...").format( src_pub.prefix)) if pargs is None or len(pargs) == 0: usage(_("must specify at least one pkgfmri")) matches = get_matches(src_pub, tracker, xport, pargs, any_unmatched, any_matched, all_versions, all_timestamps, recursive) if not matches: # No matches at all; nothing to do for this publisher. continue # First, retrieve the manifests and calculate package transfer # sizes. npkgs = len(matches) get_bytes = 0 get_files = 0 if not recursive: msg(_("Retrieving and evaluating {0:d} package(s)...").format( npkgs)) tracker.manifest_fetch_start(npkgs) fmappings = {} good_matches = [] for f in matches: try: m = get_manifest(f, xport_cfg, validate=True) except apx.InvalidPackageErrors as e: invalid_manifests.extend(e.errors) continue nf = f if do_mog: try: nf, line_buffer = __mog_helper(mog_files, f, m.pathname) # Create mogrified manifest. # Remove the old raw pkg data first. _rm_temp_raw_files(f, xport_cfg) nm = pkg.manifest.FactoredManifest(nf, xport_cfg.get_pkg_dir(nf), contents="\n".join( line_buffer)) except EnvironmentError as e: _rm_temp_raw_files(nf, xport_cfg, ignore_errors=True) raise apx._convert_error(e) except Exception as e: _rm_temp_raw_files(nf, xport_cfg, ignore_errors=True) abort(_("Creating mogrified " "manifest failed: {0}" ).format(str(e))) else: # Use the original manifest if no # mogrify is done. nm = m # Store a mapping between new fmri and new manifest for # future use. fmappings[nf] = nm good_matches.append(nf) getb, getf, arcb, arccb = get_sizes(nm) get_bytes += getb get_files += getf # Since files are going into the archive, progress # can be tracked in terms of compressed bytes for # the package files themselves. arc_bytes += arccb # Also include the manifest file itself in the # amount of bytes to archive. try: fs = os.stat(nm.pathname) arc_bytes += fs.st_size except EnvironmentError as e: raise apx._convert_error(e) tracker.manifest_fetch_progress(completion=True) matches = good_matches tracker.manifest_fetch_done() # Next, retrieve the content for this publisher's packages. tracker.download_set_goal(len(matches), get_files, get_bytes) if verbose: if not dry_run: msg(_("\nArchiving packages ...")) else: msg(_("\nArchiving packages (dry-run) ...")) status = [] status.append((_("Packages to add:"), str(len(matches)))) status.append((_("Files to retrieve:"), str(get_files))) status.append((_("Estimated transfer size:"), misc.bytes_to_str(get_bytes))) rjust_status = max(len(s[0]) for s in status) rjust_value = max(len(s[1]) for s in status) for s in status: msg("{0} {1}".format(s[0].rjust(rjust_status), s[1].rjust(rjust_value))) msg(_("\nPackages to archive:")) for nf in sorted(matches): fmri = nf.get_fmri(anarchy=True, include_scheme=False) msg(fmri) msg() if dry_run: # Don't call download_done here; it would cause an # assertion failure since nothing was downloaded. # Instead, call the method that simply finishes # up the progress output. tracker.download_done(dryrun=True) cleanup() total_processed = len(matches) continue for nf in matches: tracker.download_start_pkg(nf) pkgdir = xport_cfg.get_pkg_dir(nf) mfile = xport.multi_file_ni(src_pub, pkgdir, progtrack=tracker) nm = fmappings[nf] add_hashes_to_multi(nm, mfile) if mfile: download_start = True mfile.wait_files() if not dry_run: archive_list.append((nf, nm.pathname, pkgdir)) # Nothing more to do for this package. tracker.download_end_pkg(nf) total_processed += 1 tracker.download_done() tracker.reset() # Check processed patterns and abort with failure if some were # unmatched. check_processed(any_matched, any_unmatched, total_processed) if not dry_run: # Now create archive and then archive retrieved package data. while archive_list: pfmri, mpath, pkgdir = archive_list.pop() pkg_arc.add_package(pfmri, mpath, pkgdir) pkg_arc.close(progtrack=tracker) # Dump all temporary data. cleanup() if invalid_manifests: error(_("One or more packages could not be retrieved:\n\n{0}"). format("\n".join(str(im) for im in invalid_manifests))) if invalid_manifests and total_processed: return pkgdefs.EXIT_PARTIAL if invalid_manifests: return pkgdefs.EXIT_OOPS return pkgdefs.EXIT_OK def clone_repo(pargs, target, list_newest, all_versions, all_timestamps, keep_compressed, raw, recursive, dry_run, verbose, dest_xport_cfg, src_uri, dkey, dcert, publishers): global cache_dir, download_start, xport, xport_cfg, dest_xport invalid_manifests = [] total_processed = 0 modified_pubs = set() deleted_pkgs = False old_c_root = {} del_search_index = set() # Turn target into a valid URI. target = publisher.RepositoryURI(misc.parse_uri(target)) if target.scheme != "file": abort(err=_("Destination clone repository must be " "filesystem-based.")) # Initialize the target repo. try: repo = sr.Repository(read_only=False, root=target.get_pathname()) except sr.RepositoryInvalidError as e: txt = str(e) + "\n\n" txt += _("To create a repository, use the pkgrepo command.") abort(err=txt) def copy_catalog(src_cat_root, pub): # Copy catalog files. c_root = repo.get_pub_rstore(pub).catalog_root rstore_root = repo.get_pub_rstore(pub).root try: # We just use mkdtemp() to find ourselves a directory # which does not already exist. The created dir is not # used. old_c_root = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=rstore_root, prefix='catalog-') shutil.rmtree(old_c_root) shutil.move(c_root, old_c_root) # Check if the source catalog is empty. if not src_cat_root: msg(_("The source catalog '{0}' is empty"). format(pub)) else: shutil.copytree(src_cat_root, c_root) except Exception as e: abort(err=_("Unable to copy catalog files: {0}").format( e)) return old_c_root # Check if all publishers in src are also in target. If not, add # depending on what publishers were specified by user. pubs_to_sync = [] pubs_to_add = [] src_pubs = {} for sp in xport_cfg.gen_publishers(): src_pubs[sp.prefix] = sp dst_pubs = repo.get_publishers() pubs_specified = False unknown_pubs = [] for p in publishers: if p not in src_pubs and p != '*': abort(err=_("The publisher {0} does not exist in the " "source repository.".format(p))) pubs_specified = True for sp in src_pubs: if sp not in dst_pubs and (sp in publishers or \ '*' in publishers): pubs_to_add.append(src_pubs[sp]) pubs_to_sync.append(src_pubs[sp]) elif sp in dst_pubs and (sp in publishers or '*' in publishers or not pubs_specified): pubs_to_sync.append(src_pubs[sp]) elif not pubs_specified: unknown_pubs.append(sp) # We only print warning if the user didn't specify any valid publishers # to add/sync. if len(unknown_pubs): txt = _("\nThe following publishers are present in the " "source repository but not in the target repository.\n" "Please use -p to specify which publishers need to be " "cloned or -p '*' to clone all publishers.") for p in unknown_pubs: txt += "\n {0}\n".format(p) abort(err=txt) # Create non-existent publishers. for p in pubs_to_add: if not dry_run: msg(_("Adding publisher {0} ...").format(p.prefix)) # add_publisher() will create a p5i file in the repo # store, containing origin and possible mirrors from # the src repo. These may not be valid for the new repo # so skip creation of this file. repo.add_publisher(p, skip_config=True) else: msg(_("Adding publisher {0} (dry-run) ...").format( p.prefix)) for src_pub in pubs_to_sync: msg(_("Processing packages for publisher {0} ...").format( src_pub.prefix)) tracker = get_tracker() src_basedir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=temp_root, prefix=global_settings.client_name + "-") tmpdirs.append(src_basedir) xport_cfg.pkg_root = src_basedir # We make the destination repo our cache directory to save on # IOPs. Have to remove all the old caches first. if not dry_run: xport_cfg.clear_caches(shared=True) xport_cfg.add_cache( repo.get_pub_rstore(src_pub.prefix).file_root, readonly=False) # Retrieve src and dest catalog for comparison. src_pub.meta_root = src_basedir src_cat = fetch_catalog(src_pub, tracker, xport, False, include_updates=True) src_cat_root = src_cat.meta_root try: targ_cat = repo.get_catalog(pub=src_pub.prefix) except sr.RepositoryUnknownPublisher: targ_cat = catalog.Catalog(read_only=True) src_fmris = set([x for x in src_cat.fmris(last=False)]) targ_fmris = set([x for x in targ_cat.fmris(last=False)]) del src_cat del targ_cat to_add = [] to_rm = [] # We use bulk prefetching for faster transport of the manifests. # Prefetch requires an intent which it sends to the server. Here # we just use operation=clone for all FMRIs. intent = "operation=clone;" # Find FMRIs which need to be added/removed. to_add_set = src_fmris - targ_fmris to_rm = targ_fmris - src_fmris for f in to_add_set: to_add.append((f, intent)) del src_fmris del targ_fmris del to_add_set # We have to do package removal first because after the sync we # don't have the old catalog anymore and if we delete packages # after the sync based on the current catalog we might delete # files required by packages still in the repo. if len(to_rm) > 0: msg(_("Packages to remove:")) for f in to_rm: msg(" {0}".format(f.get_fmri(anarchy=True, include_build=False))) if not dry_run: msg(_("Removing packages ...")) if repo.get_pub_rstore( src_pub.prefix).search_available: del_search_index.add(src_pub.prefix) repo.remove_packages(to_rm, progtrack=tracker, pub=src_pub.prefix) deleted_pkgs = True total_processed += len(to_rm) modified_pubs.add(src_pub.prefix) if len(to_add) == 0: msg(_("No packages to add.")) if deleted_pkgs: old_c_root[src_pub.prefix] = copy_catalog( src_cat_root, src_pub.prefix) continue get_bytes = 0 get_files = 0 msg(_("Retrieving and evaluating {0:d} package(s)...").format( len(to_add))) # Retrieve manifests. # Try prefetching manifests in bulk first for faster, parallel # transport. Retryable errors during prefetch are ignored and # manifests are retrieved again during the "Reading" phase. src_pub.transport.prefetch_manifests(to_add, progtrack=tracker) # Need to change the output of mfst_fetch since otherwise we # would see "Download Manifests x/y" twice, once from the # prefetch and once from the actual manifest analysis. old_gti = tracker.mfst_fetch tracker.mfst_fetch = progress.GoalTrackerItem( _("Reading Manifests")) tracker.manifest_fetch_start(len(to_add)) for f, i in to_add: try: m = get_manifest(f, xport_cfg, validate=True) except apx.InvalidPackageErrors as e: invalid_manifests.extend(e.errors) continue getb, getf, sendb, sendcb = get_sizes(m) get_bytes += getb get_files += getf if dry_run: tracker.manifest_fetch_progress(completion=True) continue # Move manifest into dest repo. targ_path = os.path.join( repo.get_pub_rstore(src_pub.prefix).root, 'pkg') dp = m.fmri.get_dir_path() dst_path = os.path.join(targ_path, dp) src_path = os.path.join(src_basedir, dp, 'manifest') dir_name = os.path.dirname(dst_path) try: misc.makedirs(dir_name) shutil.move(src_path, dst_path) except Exception as e: txt = _("Unable to copy manifest: {0}").format(e) abort(err=txt) tracker.manifest_fetch_progress(completion=True) tracker.manifest_fetch_done() # Restore old GoalTrackerItem for manifest download. tracker.mfst_fetch = old_gti if verbose: if not dry_run: msg(_("\nRetrieving packages ...")) else: msg(_("\nRetrieving packages (dry-run) ...")) status = [] status.append((_("Packages to add:"), str(len(to_add)))) status.append((_("Files to retrieve:"), str(get_files))) status.append((_("Estimated transfer size:"), misc.bytes_to_str(get_bytes))) rjust_status = max(len(s[0]) for s in status) rjust_value = max(len(s[1]) for s in status) for s in status: msg("{0} {1}".format(s[0].rjust(rjust_status), s[1].rjust(rjust_value))) msg(_("\nPackages to transfer:")) for f, i in sorted(to_add): fmri = f.get_fmri(anarchy=True, include_scheme=False) msg("{0}".format(fmri)) msg() if dry_run: continue tracker.download_set_goal(len(to_add), get_files, get_bytes) # Retrieve package files. for f, i in to_add: tracker.download_start_pkg(f) mfile = xport.multi_file_ni(src_pub, None, progtrack=tracker) m = get_manifest(f, xport_cfg) add_hashes_to_multi(m, mfile) if mfile: mfile.wait_files() tracker.download_end_pkg(f) total_processed += 1 tracker.download_done tracker.reset() modified_pubs.add(src_pub.prefix) old_c_root[src_pub.prefix] = copy_catalog(src_cat_root, src_pub.prefix) if invalid_manifests: error(_("One or more packages could not be retrieved:\n\n{0}"). format("\n".join(str(im) for im in invalid_manifests))) ret = 0 # Run pkgrepo verify to check repo. if total_processed: msg(_("\n\nVerifying repository contents.")) cmd = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(misc.api_cmdpath()), "pkgrepo") args = [sys.executable, cmd, 'verify', '-s', target.get_pathname(), '--disable', 'dependency'] try: ret = subprocess.call(args) except OSError as e: raise RuntimeError("cannot execute {0}: {1}".format( args, e)) # Cleanup. If verification was ok, remove backup copy of old catalog. # If not, move old catalog back into place and remove messed up catalog. for pub in modified_pubs: c_root = repo.get_pub_rstore(pub).catalog_root try: if ret: shutil.rmtree(c_root) shutil.move(old_c_root[pub], c_root) else: shutil.rmtree(old_c_root[pub]) except Exception as e: error(_("Unable to remove catalog files: {0}").format(e)) # We don't abort here to make sure we can # restore/delete as much as we can. continue if ret: txt = _("Pkgrepo verify found errors in the updated repository." "\nThe original package catalog has been restored.\n") if deleted_pkgs: txt += _("Deleted packages can not be restored.\n") txt += _("The clone operation can be retried; package content " "that has already been retrieved will not be downloaded " "again.") abort(err=txt) if del_search_index: txt = _("\nThe search index for the following publishers has " "been removed due to package removals.\n") for p in del_search_index: txt += " {0}\n".format(p) txt += _("\nTo restore the search index for all publishers run" "\n'pkgrepo refresh --no-catalog -s {0}'.\n").format( target.get_pathname()) msg(txt) cleanup() if invalid_manifests and total_processed: return pkgdefs.EXIT_PARTIAL if invalid_manifests: return pkgdefs.EXIT_OOPS return pkgdefs.EXIT_OK def transfer_pkgs(pargs, target, list_newest, all_versions, all_timestamps, keep_compressed, raw, recursive, dry_run, verbose, dest_xport_cfg, src_uri, dkey, dcert, mog_files): """Retrieve source package data and optionally republish it as each package is retrieved. """ global cache_dir, download_start, xport, xport_cfg, dest_xport, targ_pub any_unmatched = [] any_matched = [] invalid_manifests = [] total_processed = 0 do_mog = False if mog_files: do_mog = True for src_pub in xport_cfg.gen_publishers(): tracker = get_tracker() if list_newest: # Make sure the prog tracker knows we're doing a listing # operation so that it suppresses irrelevant output. tracker.set_purpose(tracker.PURPOSE_LISTING) if pargs or len(pargs) > 0: usage(_("--newest takes no options")) src_cat = fetch_catalog(src_pub, tracker, xport, False) for f in src_cat.fmris(ordered=True, last=True): msg(f.get_fmri(include_build=False)) continue msg(_("Processing packages for publisher {0} ...").format( src_pub.prefix)) if pargs is None or len(pargs) == 0: usage(_("must specify at least one pkgfmri")) republish = False if not raw: basedir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=temp_root, prefix=global_settings.client_name + "-") tmpdirs.append(basedir) republish = True # Turn target into a valid URI. target = misc.parse_uri(target) # Setup target for transport. targ_pub = transport.setup_publisher(target, src_pub.prefix, dest_xport, dest_xport_cfg, ssl_key=dkey, ssl_cert=dcert) # Files have to be decompressed for republishing. keep_compressed = False if target.startswith("file://"): # Check to see if the repository exists first. try: t = trans.Transaction(target, xport=dest_xport, pub=targ_pub) except trans.TransactionRepositoryInvalidError as e: txt = str(e) + "\n\n" txt += _("To create a repository, use " "the pkgrepo command.") abort(err=txt) except trans.TransactionRepositoryConfigError as e: txt = str(e) + "\n\n" txt += _("The repository configuration " "for the repository located at " "'{0}' is not valid or the " "specified path does not exist. " "Please correct the configuration " "of the repository or create a new " "one.").format(target) abort(err=txt) except trans.TransactionError as e: abort(err=e) else: basedir = target = os.path.abspath(target) if not os.path.exists(basedir): try: os.makedirs(basedir, misc.PKG_DIR_MODE) except Exception as e: error(_("Unable to create basedir " "'{dir}': {err}").format( dir=basedir, err=e)) abort() xport_cfg.pkg_root = basedir dest_xport_cfg.pkg_root = basedir matches = get_matches(src_pub, tracker, xport, pargs, any_unmatched, any_matched, all_versions, all_timestamps, recursive) if not matches: # No matches at all; nothing to do for this publisher. continue def get_basename(pfmri): open_time = pfmri.get_timestamp() return "{0:d}_{1}".format( calendar.timegm(open_time.utctimetuple()), quote(str(pfmri), "")) # First, retrieve the manifests and calculate package transfer # sizes. npkgs = len(matches) get_bytes = 0 get_files = 0 send_bytes = 0 if not recursive: msg(_("Retrieving and evaluating {0:d} package(s)...").format( npkgs)) tracker.manifest_fetch_start(npkgs) pkgs_to_get = [] new_targ_cats = {} new_targ_pubs = {} fmappings = {} while matches: f = matches.pop() try: m = get_manifest(f, xport_cfg, validate=True) except apx.InvalidPackageErrors as e: invalid_manifests.extend(e.errors) continue nf = f if do_mog: try: nf, line_buffer = __mog_helper(mog_files, f, m.pathname) except Exception as e: _rm_temp_raw_files(f, xport_cfg, ignore_errors=True) abort(err=e) # Figure out whether the package is already in # the target repository or not. if republish: # Check whether the fmri already exists in the # target repository. if nf.publisher not in new_targ_cats: newpub = transport.setup_publisher( target, nf.publisher, dest_xport, dest_xport_cfg, ssl_key=dkey, ssl_cert=dcert) # If no publisher transport # established. That means it is a # remote host. set remote prefix # equal to True. if not newpub: newpub = transport.setup_publisher( target, nf.publisher, dest_xport, dest_xport_cfg, remote_prefix=True, ssl_key=dkey, ssl_cert=dcert) new_targ_pubs[nf.publisher] = newpub newcat = fetch_catalog(newpub, tracker, dest_xport, True) new_targ_cats[nf.publisher] = newcat if newcat.get_entry(nf): tracker.manifest_fetch_progress( completion=True) continue # If we already have a catalog in the # cache, use it. elif new_targ_cats[nf.publisher].get_entry(nf): tracker.manifest_fetch_progress( completion=True) continue if do_mog: # We have examined which packge to # republish. Then we need store the # mogrified manifest for future use. try: # Create mogrified manifest. # Remove the old raw pkg data first. _rm_temp_raw_files(f, xport_cfg) nm = pkg.manifest.FactoredManifest(nf, xport_cfg.get_pkg_dir(nf), contents="\n".join( line_buffer)) except EnvironmentError as e: _rm_temp_raw_files(nf, xport_cfg, ignore_errors=True) raise apx._convert_error(e) except Exception as e: _rm_temp_raw_files(nf, xport_cfg, ignore_errors=True) abort(_("Creating mogrified " "manifest failed: {0}" ).format(str(e))) else: # Use the original manifest if no # mogrify is done. nm = m getb, getf = get_sizes(nm)[:2] if republish: send_bytes += dest_xport.get_transfer_size( new_targ_pubs[nf.publisher], nm.gen_actions()) # Store a mapping between new fmri and new manifest for # future use. fmappings[nf] = nm pkgs_to_get.append(nf) get_bytes += getb get_files += getf if dry_run: _rm_temp_raw_files(nf, xport_cfg, ignore_errors=True) tracker.manifest_fetch_progress(completion=True) tracker.manifest_fetch_done() # Next, retrieve and store the content for each package. tracker.republish_set_goal(len(pkgs_to_get), get_bytes, send_bytes) if verbose: if not dry_run: msg(_("\nRetrieving packages ...")) else: msg(_("\nRetrieving packages (dry-run) ...")) status = [] status.append((_("Packages to add:"), str(len(pkgs_to_get)))) status.append((_("Files to retrieve:"), str(get_files))) status.append((_("Estimated transfer size:"), misc.bytes_to_str(get_bytes))) rjust_status = max(len(s[0]) for s in status) rjust_value = max(len(s[1]) for s in status) for s in status: msg("{0} {1}".format(s[0].rjust(rjust_status), s[1].rjust(rjust_value))) msg(_("\nPackages to transfer:")) for f in sorted(pkgs_to_get): fmri = f.get_fmri(anarchy=True, include_scheme=False) msg("{0}".format(fmri)) msg() if dry_run: tracker.republish_done(dryrun=True) cleanup() continue processed = 0 uploads = set() pkgs_to_get = sorted(pkgs_to_get) hashes = set() if republish and pkgs_to_get: # If files can be transferred compressed, keep them # compressed in the source. keep_compressed, hashes = dest_xport.get_transfer_info( new_targ_pubs[pkgs_to_get[0].publisher]) for nf in pkgs_to_get: tracker.republish_start_pkg(nf) # Processing republish. nm = fmappings[nf] pkgdir = xport_cfg.get_pkg_dir(nf) mfile = xport.multi_file_ni(src_pub, pkgdir, not keep_compressed, tracker) add_hashes_to_multi(nm, mfile) if mfile: download_start = True mfile.wait_files() if not republish: # Nothing more to do for this package. tracker.republish_end_pkg(nf) continue use_scheme = True # Check whether to include scheme based on new # manifest. if not any(a.name == "set" and str(a).find("pkg:/") >= 0 for a in nm.gen_actions()): use_scheme = False pkg_name = nf.get_fmri(include_scheme=use_scheme) # Use the new fmri for constructing a transaction id. # This is needed so any previous failures for a package # can be aborted. trans_id = get_basename(nf) try: t = trans.Transaction(target, pkg_name=pkg_name, trans_id=trans_id, xport=dest_xport, pub=new_targ_pubs[nf.publisher], progtrack=tracker) # Remove any previous failed attempt to # to republish this package. try: t.close(abandon=True) except: # It might not exist already. pass t.open() for a in nm.gen_actions(): if a.name == "set" and \ a.attrs.get("name", "") in ("fmri", "pkg.fmri"): # To be consistent with the # server, the fmri can't be # added to the manifest. continue fname = None fhash = None if a.has_payload: fhash = a.hash fname = os.path.join(pkgdir, fhash) a.data = lambda: open(fname, "rb") if fhash in hashes and \ fhash not in uploads: # If the payload will be # transferred and not have been # uploaded, upload it... t.add(a, exact=True, path=fname) uploads.add(fhash) else: # ...otherwise, just add the # action to the transaction. t.add(a, exact=True) if a.name == "signature" and \ not do_mog: # We always store content in the # repository by the least- # preferred hash. for fp in a.get_chain_certs( least_preferred=True): fname = os.path.join( pkgdir, fp) if keep_compressed: t.add_file(fname, basename=fp) else: t.add_file(fname) # Always defer catalog update. t.close(add_to_catalog=False) except trans.TransactionError as e: abort(err=e) # Dump data retrieved so far after each successful # republish to conserve space. try: shutil.rmtree(dest_xport_cfg.incoming_root) shutil.rmtree(pkgdir) if cache_dir in tmpdirs: # If cache_dir is listed in tmpdirs, # then it's safe to dump cache contents. # Otherwise, it's a user cache directory # and shouldn't be dumped. shutil.rmtree(cache_dir) misc.makedirs(cache_dir) except EnvironmentError as e: raise apx._convert_error(e) misc.makedirs(dest_xport_cfg.incoming_root) processed += 1 tracker.republish_end_pkg(nf) tracker.republish_done() tracker.reset() if processed > 0: # If any packages were published, trigger an update of # the catalog. total_processed += processed dest_xport.publish_refresh_packages(targ_pub) # Prevent further use. targ_pub = None # Check processed patterns and abort with failure if some were # unmatched. check_processed(any_matched, any_unmatched, total_processed) # Dump all temporary data. cleanup() if invalid_manifests: error(_("One or more packages could not be retrieved:\n\n{0}"). format("\n".join(str(im) for im in invalid_manifests))) if invalid_manifests and total_processed: return pkgdefs.EXIT_PARTIAL if invalid_manifests: return pkgdefs.EXIT_OOPS return pkgdefs.EXIT_OK if __name__ == "__main__": misc.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "", error) gettext.install("pkg", "/usr/share/locale", codeset=locale.getpreferredencoding()) misc.set_fd_limits(printer=error) # Make all warnings be errors. warnings.simplefilter('error') import six if six.PY3: # disable ResourceWarning: unclosed file warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=ResourceWarning) try: __ret = main_func() except (KeyboardInterrupt, apx.CanceledException): try: cleanup(True) except: __ret = 99 else: __ret = 1 except (pkg.actions.ActionError, trans.TransactionError, RuntimeError, apx.ApiException) as _e: error(_e) try: cleanup(True) except: __ret = 99 else: __ret = 1 except PipeError: # We don't want to display any messages here to prevent # possible further broken pipe (EPIPE) errors. try: cleanup(False) except: __ret = 99 else: __ret = 1 except SystemExit as _e: try: cleanup(False) except: __ret = 99 raise _e except EnvironmentError as _e: if _e.errno != errno.ENOSPC and _e.errno != errno.EDQUOT: error(str(apx._convert_error(_e))) __ret = 1 sys.exit(__ret) txt = "\n" if _e.errno == errno.EDQUOT: txt += _("Storage space quota exceeded.") else: txt += _("No storage space left.") temp_root_path = misc.get_temp_root_path() tdirs = [temp_root_path] if cache_dir not in tmpdirs: # Only include in message if user specified. tdirs.append(cache_dir) if target and target.startswith("file://"): tdirs.append(target) txt += "\n" error(txt + _("Please verify that the filesystem containing " "the following directories has enough space available:\n" "{0}").format("\n".join(tdirs))) try: cleanup() except: __ret = 99 else: __ret = 1 except pkg.fmri.IllegalFmri as _e: error(_e) try: cleanup() except: __ret = 99 else: __ret = 1 except: traceback.print_exc() error(misc.get_traceback_message()) __ret = 99 # Cleanup must be called *after* error messaging so that # exceptions processed during cleanup don't cause the wrong # traceback to be printed. try: cleanup(True) except: pass sys.exit(__ret)