Hallo, dies ist ein Test.
PWD: /www/data-lst1/unixsoft/unixsoft/kaempfer/.public_html
Running in File Mode
Relative path: ./../../../././../../../usr/bin/pkgsend
Real path: /usr/bin/pkgsend
#!/usr/bin/python3.7 -Es # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Copyright (c) 2007, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. # import pkg.no_site_packages import fnmatch import getopt import gettext import locale import os import six import sys import traceback import warnings import errno from pkg.client.pkgdefs import EXIT_OOPS, EXIT_OK, EXIT_PARTIAL, EXIT_BADOPT if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 4): from importlib import reload else: from imp import reload import pkg.actions import pkg.bundle import pkg.client.api_errors as apx import pkg.fmri import pkg.manifest import pkg.misc as misc import pkg.publish.transaction as trans import pkg.client.transport.transport as transport import pkg.client.publisher as publisher from pkg.misc import msg, emsg, PipeError from pkg.client import global_settings from pkg.client.debugvalues import DebugValues nopub_actions = [ "unknown" ] # These attributes should always be stripped from input manifests for 'publish'; # they will be re-calculated during publication. strip_attrs = [ "elfarch", "elfbits", "elfhash", "pkg.content-hash", "pkg.csize", "pkg.size", ] def error(text, cmd=None): """Emit an error message prefixed by the command name """ if not isinstance(text, six.string_types): # Assume it's an object that can be stringified. text = str(text) # If the message starts with whitespace, assume that it should come # *before* the command-name prefix. text_nows = text.lstrip() ws = text[:len(text) - len(text_nows)] if cmd: text_nows = "{0}: {1}".format(cmd, text_nows) pkg_cmd = "pkgsend " else: pkg_cmd = "pkgsend: " # This has to be a constant value as we can't reliably get our actual # program name on all platforms. emsg(ws + pkg_cmd + text_nows) def usage(usage_error=None, cmd=None, retcode=EXIT_BADOPT): """Emit a usage message and optionally prefix it with a more specific error message. Causes program to exit.""" if usage_error: error(usage_error, cmd=cmd) print(_("""\ Usage: pkgsend [options] command [cmd_options] [operands] Packager subcommands: pkgsend generate [-T pattern] [-u] [--target file] source ... pkgsend publish [-b bundle ...] [-d source ...] [-s repo_uri_or_path] [-T pattern] [--key ssl_key ... --cert ssl_cert ...] [--no-catalog] [manifest ...] Options: --help or -? display usage message Environment: PKG_REPO The path or URI of the destination repository.""")) sys.exit(retcode) class SolarisBundleVisitor(object): """Used to gather information about the SVR4 packages we visit""" def __init__(self): # a list of classes for which we do not report warnings self.known_classes = ["none", "manifest"] self.errors = set() self.warnings = set() self.visited = False def visit(self, bundle): """visit a pkg.bundle.SolarisPackage*Bundle object""" if not bundle.pkg: return if self.visited: self.warnings.add(_( "WARNING: Several SVR4 packages detected. " "Multiple pkg.summary and pkg.description " "attributes may have been generated.")) for action in bundle: if "path" not in action.attrs: continue path = action.attrs["path"] if path in bundle.class_actions_dir: svr4_class = bundle.class_actions_dir[path] if svr4_class and \ svr4_class not in self.known_classes: self.errors.add( _("ERROR: class action script " "used in {pkg}: {path} belongs " "to \"{classname}\" class").format( pkg=bundle.pkgname, path=path, classname=svr4_class)) for script in bundle.scripts: self.errors.add( _("ERROR: script present in {pkg}: {script}").format( pkg=bundle.pkgname, script=script)) self.visited = True def trans_create_repository(repo_uri, args): """DEPRECATED""" repo_props = {} opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(args, "", ["set-property="]) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "--set-property": try: prop, p_value = arg.split("=", 1) p_sec, p_name = prop.split(".", 1) except ValueError: usage(_("property arguments must be of " "the form '<section.property>=" "<value>'."), cmd="create-repository") repo_props.setdefault(p_sec, {}) repo_props[p_sec][p_name] = p_value xport, pub = setup_transport_and_pubs(repo_uri, remote=False) try: trans.Transaction(repo_uri, create_repo=True, repo_props=repo_props, xport=xport, pub=pub) except trans.TransactionRepositoryConfigError as e: error(e, cmd="create-repository") emsg(_("Invalid repository configuration values were " "specified using --set-property or required values are " "missing. Please provide the correct and/or required " "values using the --set-property option.")) except trans.TransactionError as e: error(e, cmd="create-repository") return EXIT_OOPS return EXIT_OK def trans_open(repo_uri, args): """DEPRECATED""" opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(args, "en") parsed = [] eval_form = True for opt, arg in opts: parsed.append(opt) if opt == "-e": eval_form = True if opt == "-n": eval_form = False if "-e" in parsed and "-n" in parsed: usage(_("only -e or -n may be specified"), cmd="open") if len(pargs) != 1: usage(_("open requires one package name"), cmd="open") xport, pub = setup_transport_and_pubs(repo_uri) t = trans.Transaction(repo_uri, pkg_name=pargs[0], xport=xport, pub=pub) if eval_form: msg("export PKG_TRANS_ID={0}".format(t.open())) else: msg(t.open()) return EXIT_OK def trans_append(repo_uri, args): """DEPRECATED""" opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(args, "en") parsed = [] eval_form = True for opt, arg in opts: parsed.append(opt) if opt == "-e": eval_form = True if opt == "-n": eval_form = False if "-e" in parsed and "-n" in parsed: usage(_("only -e or -n may be specified"), cmd="open") if len(pargs) != 1: usage(_("append requires one package name"), cmd="open") xport, pub = setup_transport_and_pubs(repo_uri) t = trans.Transaction(repo_uri, pkg_name=pargs[0], xport=xport, pub=pub) if eval_form: msg("export PKG_TRANS_ID={0}".format(t.append())) else: msg(t.append()) return EXIT_OK def trans_close(repo_uri, args): """DEPRECATED""" abandon = False trans_id = None add_to_catalog = True # --no-index is now silently ignored as the publication process no # longer builds search indexes automatically. opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(args, "At:", ["no-index", "no-catalog"]) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-A": abandon = True elif opt == "-t": trans_id = arg elif opt == "--no-catalog": add_to_catalog = False if trans_id is None: try: trans_id = os.environ["PKG_TRANS_ID"] except KeyError: usage(_("No transaction ID specified using -t or in " "$PKG_TRANS_ID."), cmd="close") xport, pub = setup_transport_and_pubs(repo_uri) t = trans.Transaction(repo_uri, trans_id=trans_id, xport=xport, pub=pub) pkg_state, pkg_fmri = t.close(abandon=abandon, add_to_catalog=add_to_catalog) for val in (pkg_state, pkg_fmri): if val is not None: msg(val) return EXIT_OK def trans_add(repo_uri, args): """DEPRECATED""" try: trans_id = os.environ["PKG_TRANS_ID"] except KeyError: usage(_("No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"), cmd="add") if not args: usage(_("No arguments specified for subcommand."), cmd="add") action, lp = pkg.actions.internalizelist(args[0], args[1:]) if action.name in nopub_actions: error(_("invalid action for publication: {0}").format(action), cmd="add") return EXIT_OOPS xport, pub = setup_transport_and_pubs(repo_uri) t = trans.Transaction(repo_uri, trans_id=trans_id, xport=xport, pub=pub) t.add(action) return EXIT_OK def trans_publish(repo_uri, fargs): """Publish packages in a single step using provided manifest data and sources.""" # --no-index is now silently ignored as the publication process no # longer builds search indexes automatically. opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(fargs, "b:d:s:T:", ["fmri-in-manifest", "no-index", "no-catalog", "key=", "cert="]) add_to_catalog = True basedirs = [] bundles = [] timestamp_files = [] key = None cert = None for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-b": bundles.append(arg) elif opt == "-d": basedirs.append(arg) elif opt == "-s": repo_uri = arg if repo_uri and not repo_uri.startswith("null:"): repo_uri = misc.parse_uri(repo_uri) elif opt == "-T": timestamp_files.append(arg) elif opt == "--no-catalog": add_to_catalog = False elif opt == "--key": key = arg elif opt == "--cert": cert = arg if not repo_uri: usage(_("A destination package repository must be provided " "using -s."), cmd="publish") if not pargs: filelist = [("<stdin>", sys.stdin)] else: try: filelist = [(f, open(f)) for f in pargs] except IOError as e: error(e, cmd="publish") return EXIT_OOPS lines = "" # giant string of all input files concatenated together linecnts = [] # tuples of starting line number, ending line number linecounter = 0 # running total for filename, f in filelist: try: data = f.read() except IOError as e: error(e, cmd="publish") return EXIT_OOPS lines += data linecnt = len(data.splitlines()) linecnts.append((linecounter, linecounter + linecnt)) linecounter += linecnt f.close() m = pkg.manifest.Manifest() try: m.set_content(content=lines) except apx.InvalidPackageErrors as err: e = err.errors[0] lineno = e.lineno for i, tup in enumerate(linecnts): if lineno > tup[0] and lineno <= tup[1]: filename = filelist[i][0] lineno -= tup[0] break else: filename = "???" lineno = "???" error(_("File {filename} line {lineno}: {err}").format( filename=filename, lineno=lineno, err=e), cmd="publish") return EXIT_OOPS try: pfmri = pkg.fmri.PkgFmri(m["pkg.fmri"]) if not pfmri.version: # Cannot have a FMRI without version error(_("The pkg.fmri attribute '{0}' in the package " "manifest must include a version.").format(pfmri), cmd="publish") return EXIT_OOPS if not DebugValues["allow-timestamp"]: # If not debugging, timestamps are ignored. pfmri.version.timestr = None pkg_name = pfmri.get_fmri() except KeyError: error(_("Manifest does not set pkg.fmri")) return EXIT_OOPS xport, pub = setup_transport_and_pubs(repo_uri, ssl_key=key, ssl_cert=cert) t = trans.Transaction(repo_uri, pkg_name=pkg_name, xport=xport, pub=pub) t.open() target_files = [] if bundles: # Ensure hardlinks marked as files in the manifest are # treated as files. This necessary when sourcing files # from some bundle types. target_files.extend( a.attrs["path"] for a in m.gen_actions() if a.name == "file" ) bundles = [ pkg.bundle.make_bundle(bundle, targetpaths=target_files) for bundle in bundles ] for a in m.gen_actions(): # don't publish these actions if a.name == "signature": msg(_("WARNING: Omitting signature action '{0}'".format( a))) continue if a.name == "set" and a.attrs["name"] in ["pkg.fmri", "fmri"]: continue elif a.has_payload: # Forcibly discard content-related attributes to prevent # errors when reusing manifests with different content. for attr in strip_attrs: a.attrs.pop(attr, None) path = pkg.actions.set_action_data(a.hash, a, basedirs=basedirs, bundles=bundles)[0] elif a.name in nopub_actions: error(_("invalid action for publication: {0}").format( action), cmd="publish") t.close(abandon=True) return EXIT_OOPS if a.name == "file": basename = os.path.basename(a.attrs["path"]) for pattern in timestamp_files: if fnmatch.fnmatch(basename, pattern): if not isinstance(path, six.string_types): # Target is from bundle; can't # apply timestamp now. continue ts = misc.time_to_timestamp( os.stat(path).st_mtime) a.attrs["timestamp"] = ts break try: t.add(a) except: t.close(abandon=True) raise pkg_state, pkg_fmri = t.close(abandon=False, add_to_catalog=add_to_catalog) for val in (pkg_state, pkg_fmri): if val is not None: msg(val) return EXIT_OK def trans_include(repo_uri, fargs, transaction=None): """DEPRECATED""" basedirs = [] timestamp_files = [] error_occurred = False opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(fargs, "d:T:") for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-d": basedirs.append(arg) elif opt == "-T": timestamp_files.append(arg) if transaction == None: try: trans_id = os.environ["PKG_TRANS_ID"] except KeyError: usage(_("No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"), cmd="include") xport, pub = setup_transport_and_pubs(repo_uri) t = trans.Transaction(repo_uri, trans_id=trans_id, xport=xport, pub=pub) else: t = transaction if not pargs: filelist = [("<stdin>", sys.stdin)] else: try: filelist = [(f, open(f)) for f in pargs] except IOError as e: error(e, cmd="include") return EXIT_OOPS lines = [] # giant string of all input files concatenated together linecnts = [] # tuples of starting line number, ending line number linecounter = 0 # running total for filename, f in filelist: try: data = f.read() except IOError as e: error(e, cmd="include") return EXIT_OOPS lines.append(data) linecnt = len(data.splitlines()) linecnts.append((linecounter, linecounter + linecnt)) linecounter += linecnt m = pkg.manifest.Manifest() try: m.set_content(content="\n".join(lines)) except apx.InvalidPackageErrors as err: e = err.errors[0] lineno = e.lineno for i, tup in enumerate(linecnts): if lineno > tup[0] and lineno <= tup[1]: filename = filelist[i][0] lineno -= tup[0] break else: filename = "???" lineno = "???" error(_("File {filename} line {lineno}: {err}").format( filename=filename, lineno=lineno, err=e), cmd="include") return EXIT_OOPS invalid_action = False for a in m.gen_actions(): # don't publish this action if a.name == "set" and a.attrs["name"] in ["pkg.fmri", "fmri"]: continue elif a.has_payload: path, bd = pkg.actions.set_action_data(a.hash, a, basedirs) if a.name == "file": basename = os.path.basename(a.attrs["path"]) for pattern in timestamp_files: if fnmatch.fnmatch(basename, pattern): ts = misc.time_to_timestamp( os.stat(path).st_mtime) a.attrs["timestamp"] = ts break if a.name in nopub_actions: error(_("invalid action for publication: {0}").format( str(a)), cmd="include") invalid_action = True else: t.add(a) if invalid_action: return EXIT_PARTIAL else: return EXIT_OK def gen_actions(files, timestamp_files, target_files, minimal=False, visitors=[], use_default_owner=True): for filename in files: bundle = pkg.bundle.make_bundle(filename, targetpaths=target_files, use_default_owner=use_default_owner) for visitor in visitors: visitor.visit(bundle) for action in bundle: if action.name in ("file", "dir"): basename = os.path.basename(action.attrs["path"]) for pattern in timestamp_files: if fnmatch.fnmatch(basename, pattern): break else: action.attrs.pop("timestamp", None) if minimal: # pkgsend import needs attributes such as size # retained so that the publication modules know # how many bytes to read from the .data prop. # However, pkgsend generate attempts to # minimize the attributes output for each # action to only those necessary for use # so that the resulting manifest remains valid # even after mogrification or changing content. action.attrs.pop("pkg.size", None) yield action, action.name in nopub_actions def trans_import(repo_uri, args, visitors=[]): """DEPRECATED""" try: trans_id = os.environ["PKG_TRANS_ID"] except KeyError: print(_("No transaction ID specified in $PKG_TRANS_ID"), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(args, "T:", ["target="]) timestamp_files = [] target_files = [] for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-T": timestamp_files.append(arg) elif opt == "--target": target_files.append(arg) if not args: usage(_("No arguments specified for subcommand."), cmd="import") xport, pub = setup_transport_and_pubs(repo_uri) t = trans.Transaction(repo_uri, trans_id=trans_id, xport=xport, pub=pub) ret = EXIT_OK abandon = False try: for action, err in gen_actions(pargs, timestamp_files, target_files, visitors=visitors, use_default_owner=True): if err: error(_("invalid action for publication: {0}").format( action), cmd="import") abandon = True else: if not abandon: t.add(action) except TypeError as e: error(e, cmd="import") return EXIT_OOPS except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: error("{0}: '{1}'".format(e.args[1], e.filename), cmd="import") return EXIT_OOPS else: raise for visitor in visitors: if visitor.errors: abandon = True ret = EXIT_OOPS if abandon: error("Abandoning transaction due to errors.") t.close(abandon=True) return ret def trans_generate(args, visitors=[]): """Generate a package manifest based on the provided sources.""" opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(args , "uT:", ["target="]) timestamp_files = [] target_files = [] use_default_owner = True for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-T": timestamp_files.append(arg) elif opt == "--target": target_files.append(arg) elif opt == "-u": use_default_owner = False if not args: usage(_("No arguments specified for subcommand."), cmd="generate") try: for action, err in gen_actions(pargs, timestamp_files, target_files, minimal=True, visitors=visitors, use_default_owner=use_default_owner): if "path" in action.attrs and hasattr(action, "hash") \ and action.hash == "NOHASH": action.hash = action.attrs["path"] print(action) except TypeError as e: error(e, cmd="generate") return EXIT_OOPS except EnvironmentError as e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: error("{0}: '{1}'".format(e.args[1], e.filename), cmd="generate") return EXIT_OOPS else: raise return EXIT_OK def trans_refresh_index(repo_uri, args): """DEPRECATED""" if args: usage(_("command does not take operands"), cmd="refresh-index") xport, pub = setup_transport_and_pubs(repo_uri) try: t = trans.Transaction(repo_uri, xport=xport, pub=pub).refresh_index() except trans.TransactionError as e: error(e, cmd="refresh-index") return EXIT_OOPS return EXIT_OK def setup_transport_and_pubs(repo_uri, remote=True, ssl_key=None, ssl_cert=None): if repo_uri.startswith("null:"): return None, None xport, xport_cfg = transport.setup_transport() targ_pub = transport.setup_publisher(repo_uri, "default", xport, xport_cfg, remote_prefix=remote, ssl_key=ssl_key, ssl_cert=ssl_cert) return xport, targ_pub def main_func(): repo_uri = os.getenv("PKG_REPO", None) show_usage = False global_settings.client_name = "pkgsend" try: opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "s:D:?", ["help", "debug="]) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-s": repo_uri = arg elif opt == "-D" or opt == "--debug": if arg == "allow-timestamp": key = arg value = True else: try: key, value = arg.split("=", 1) except (AttributeError, ValueError): usage(_("{opt} takes argument of form " "name=value, not {arg}").format( opt=opt, arg=arg)) DebugValues.set_value(key, value) elif opt in ("--help", "-?"): show_usage = True except getopt.GetoptError as e: usage(_("illegal global option -- {0}").format(e.opt)) if repo_uri and not repo_uri.startswith("null:"): repo_uri = misc.parse_uri(repo_uri) if DebugValues: reload(pkg.digest) subcommand = None if pargs: subcommand = pargs.pop(0) if subcommand == "help": show_usage = True if show_usage: usage(retcode=0) elif not subcommand: usage() if not repo_uri and subcommand not in ("create-repository", "generate", "publish"): usage(_("A destination package repository must be provided " "using -s."), cmd=subcommand) visitors = [SolarisBundleVisitor()] ret = EXIT_OK try: if subcommand == "create-repository": ret = trans_create_repository(repo_uri, pargs) elif subcommand == "open": ret = trans_open(repo_uri, pargs) elif subcommand == "append": ret = trans_append(repo_uri, pargs) elif subcommand == "close": ret = trans_close(repo_uri, pargs) elif subcommand == "add": ret = trans_add(repo_uri, pargs) elif subcommand == "import": ret = trans_import(repo_uri, pargs, visitors=visitors) elif subcommand == "include": ret = trans_include(repo_uri, pargs) elif subcommand == "publish": ret = trans_publish(repo_uri, pargs) elif subcommand == "generate": ret = trans_generate(pargs, visitors=visitors) elif subcommand == "refresh-index": ret = trans_refresh_index(repo_uri, pargs) else: usage(_("unknown subcommand '{0}'").format(subcommand)) printed_space = False for visitor in visitors: for warn in visitor.warnings: if not printed_space: print("") printed_space = True error(warn, cmd=subcommand) for err in visitor.errors: if not printed_space: print("") printed_space = True error(err, cmd=subcommand) ret = EXIT_OOPS except pkg.bundle.InvalidBundleException as e: error(e, cmd=subcommand) ret = EXIT_OOPS except getopt.GetoptError as e: usage(_("illegal {cmd} option -- {opt}").format( cmd=subcommand, opt=e.opt)) return ret # # Establish a specific exit status which means: "python barfed an exception" # so that we can more easily detect these in testing of the CLI commands. # if __name__ == "__main__": misc.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "", error) gettext.install("pkg", "/usr/share/locale", codeset=locale.getpreferredencoding()) misc.set_fd_limits(printer=error) # Make all warnings be errors. warnings.simplefilter('error') if six.PY3: # disable ResourceWarning: unclosed file warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=ResourceWarning) try: __ret = main_func() except (PipeError, KeyboardInterrupt): # We don't want to display any messages here to prevent # possible further broken pipe (EPIPE) errors. __ret = EXIT_OOPS except (pkg.actions.ActionError, trans.TransactionError, EnvironmentError, RuntimeError, pkg.fmri.FmriError, apx.ApiException) as _e: if isinstance(_e, EnvironmentError) and \ _e.errno == errno.ENOMEM: error("\n" + misc.out_of_memory()) if not (isinstance(_e, IOError) and _e.errno == errno.EPIPE): # Only print message if failure wasn't due to # broken pipe (EPIPE) error. print("pkgsend: {0}".format(_e), file=sys.stderr) __ret = EXIT_OOPS except MemoryError: error("\n" + misc.out_of_memory()) __ret = EXIT_OOPS except SystemExit as _e: raise _e except: traceback.print_exc() error(misc.get_traceback_message()) __ret = 99 sys.exit(__ret)