Hallo, dies ist ein Test.
PWD: /www/data-lst1/unixsoft/unixsoft/kaempfer/.public_html
Running in File Mode
Relative path: ./../../../././../../../bin/usbcopy
Real path: /usr/bin/usbcopy
#!/usr/bin/bash # # Copyright (c) 2010, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. # # Make sure we get the right versions of the commands PATH=/usr/sbin:/usr/bin # Ensure that commands whose output we're parsing don't localize numeric # formats on us export LC_ALL=C # Platform (either i386 or sparc) typeset isa=$(uname -p) function cleanup { { # unmounting, and uninstalling the lofi'ed devices and # cleanup temporary files. for devs in $(mount -p | grep $usbdev | awk '{print $1}'); do umount -f $devs done lofiadm "${img}" && \ lofiadm -d "${img}" if [[ -d "${usbmntpt}" ]]; then rmdir "${usbmntpt}" fi rm -f $fdi } > /dev/null 2>&1 } function error_handler { print -u2 "\nError:\n" print -u2 -r -- "${progname}: $*" cleanup exit 1 } function setup_grub2 { # There are pre-built MBR stage 1 and UEFI system images on the USB image. # These need to be used instead of trying to construct it ourselves in order # to avoid grub2 version mismatches. mbrimg="$usbmntpt/boot/mbr.img" uefiimg="$usbmntpt/boot/uefi.img" # cat the (MBR) usb.img and (ESP) uefi.img to the USB device. cat $mbrimg $uefiimg > $dev || \ error_handler "Failed to write ${mbrimg} and ${uefiimg} to ${dev}" # Read the geometry of the physical device while read pcyl ncyl acyl bcyl nhead nsect secsiz; do devblksize=$secsiz devblocks=$(($ncyl * $nhead * $nsect)) done < <(fdisk -G $dev | grep -v "*") # Size the embedded MBR image mbrnbytes=$(ls -lL $mbrimg | awk '{print $5}') mbrnblocks=$(($mbrnbytes / $devblksize)) # Size the uefi.img uefinbytes=$(ls -lL $uefiimg | awk '{print $5}') uefinblocks=$(($uefinbytes / $devblksize)) # fdisk table should end up looking like this. # The first line/partition for the ESP is already embedded in the mbr image # that we just cat'd to the disk. So we need to add the solaris partition. # id active bhead bsect bcyl ehead esect ecyl rsect numsect # 239 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 mbrnblocks(a) uefinblocks(b) # 191 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 (a)+(b):(c) diskblocks-(c) solstart=$(($mbrnblocks + $uefinblocks)) solnblocks=$(($devblocks - $solstart)) addsolpart="191:128:0:0:0:0:0:0:$solstart:$solnblocks" fdisk -A $addsolpart $dev # fdisk is stupid and overwrites the MBR boot code region with mboot so we # have to rewrite the first 440 bytes of the MBR image to restore what it # so helpfully overwrote. dd if=$mbrimg bs=1 count=440 oseek=0 of=$bdev 2>/dev/null|| \ error_handler "Failed to restore MBR stage1 image from ${usbimg}" } # # Detect image type and validate it can be deployed on current platform. # Legacy (non dd-able) x86 image can be deployed on x86 machine only, # deployment of dd-able images is platform independent (e.g. Sparc dd-able # image can be deployed on x86 machine). # # If image type is unknown or it can't be deployed on current platform, # inform user and abort. # # Return 0 for dd-able image, 1 for legacy (non dd-able) x86 image. # function is_image_ddable { typeset img="$1" # # First probe for dd-able image. The check is platform independent. # x86 dd-able image begins with MBR ending with magic word '55 aa'. # Sparc dd-able image begins with Sparc label identified by magic # word 'da be'. # mbrmagic=$(od -j 510 -N 2 -t x1 "$img" | head -1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2,3) lblmagic=$(od -j 508 -N 2 -t x1 "$img" | head -1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2,3) if [[ "$mbrmagic" == "55 aa" ]] ; then print -u1 "Image type: dd-able x86" return 0 fi if [[ "$lblmagic" == "da be" ]] ; then print -u1 "Image type: dd-able Sparc" return 0 fi # # Legacy (non dd-able) x86 image is image of ufs root filesystem # and can be deployed on x86 only. # imgtype=$(fstyp "$img" 2>/dev/null) if [[ "$imgtype" == "ufs" ]] && [[ "$isa" == "i386" ]] ; then print -u1 "Image type: legacy x86" return 1 fi print -u2 "Error: Image type not recognized." exit 1 } if [ $(id -u) != "0" ] ; then echo "Must be root to run." exit 1 fi if [ $# != 1 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 <USB image path>" exit 1 fi img=$1 if [ ! -r $img ] && [ ! -c $img ]; then echo "Error: $img does not exist." exit 1 fi # Make sure supplied image is compatible with running platform. is_image_ddable "$img" && isddable=true || isddable=false # Image size (in MB) ibytes=$(ls -lL $img | awk '{print $5}') isz=$((ibytes >> 20)) #nawk script to output the details of plugged in USB drives i=0 while read p l s m d; do phys[$i]=$p log[$i]=$l size[$i]=$s mult[$i]=$m desc[$i]=$d ((i++)) done < <(rmformat 2>/dev/null | nawk 'BEGIN { FS = ":"; bustype = "USB"; devtype = "Removable"; } /Logical Node/ { lnode = 1; node = $2; } /Physical Node/ { physdev = $2 } /Connected Device/ { devname = $2 } /Device Type/ { type = $2 } /Bus/ { bus = $2; } /Size/ && lnode && bus ~ bustype && type ~ devtype { size = $2; printf("%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", physdev, node, size, devname); lnode = 0; }') echo Found the following USB devices: j=0 while [ $j -lt $i ]; do echo "$j: ${log[$j]} ${size[$j]} ${mult[$j]} ${desc[$j]}" ((j++)) done while read -p "Enter the number of your choice: " choice; do if [ -z "${choice}" ]; then continue fi if [ $choice -lt 0 ] || [ $choice -ge $i ]; then echo "Invalid choice" continue fi break done dev=${log[$choice]} bdev=${dev/rdsk/dsk} # # From character device name representing the whole disk (ends with 'p0' on i386 # and with 's2' on sparc), determine: # - slice 0 character device name # - character device name representing target which dd(8) will populate # with USB image: # - x86 : s0 (for legacy image) or p0 (for dd-able image) # - Sparc: s2 # if [[ "$isa" == "i386" ]]; then s0cdev=${dev/p0/s0} if $isddable ; then ddcdev="$dev" else ddcdev="$s0cdev" fi p1cdev=${dev/p0/p1} p1bdev=${p1cdev/rdsk/dsk} p2cdev=${dev/p0/p2} p2bdev=${p2cdev/rdsk/dsk} else s0cdev=${dev/s2/s0} ddcdev="$dev" fi s0bdev=${s0cdev/rdsk/dsk} mountdev=${s0bdev/s0} if [ ! -b $s0bdev ] || [ ! -c $s0cdev ]; then echo "Missing device nodes for $dev" exit 1 fi if [ ! -n "$dev" ]; then echo INFORMATION: No USB selected/found.. Please plug in and try again exit 1 fi sz=${size[$choice]} multiplier=${mult[$choice]} case "$multiplier" in GB) sz=$(( ${sz%%.*} * 1000 + ${sz##*.} * 100 ));; MB) sz=${sz%%.*};; *) echo "Unknown capacity indicator: '$multiplier'"; exit 1;; esac while true; do echo "" echo WARNING: All data on your USB storage will be lost. echo Are you sure you want to install to echo -n ${desc[$choice]}, $sz MB at $dev ? read -p " (y/n) " yn case $yn in [yY]* ) if [ ! -w $dev ]; then echo "Device $dev is not writable" echo "Installation aborted" exit 1 fi if [ $sz -lt $isz ]; then echo "Image ($isz MB) is larger than the device ($sz MB)" echo "Installation aborted" exit 1 fi break ;; [nN]* ) echo "Installation aborted" exit 0 ;; * ) echo Invalid choice.. Exiting exit 0 ;; esac done # Ensure we have things unmounted for devs in $(mount -p | grep $mountdev | awk '{print $1}'); do umount -f $devs > /dev/null 2>&1 done # Drop in config file to ensure HAL ignores the disk, otherwise it will attempt # to mount it after the partition table is rewritten fdi=/etc/hal/fdi/preprobe/10osvendor/99-usbcopy.fdi trap cleanup SIGTERM EXIT cat >$fdi << EOF <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <deviceinfo version="0.2"> <device> <match key="block.device" string="$bdev"> <merge key="info.ignore" type="bool">true</merge> </match> </device> </deviceinfo> EOF # # If deploying on Sparc, make sure that USB stick is labeled with SMI label, # since it was observed that EFI label (e.g. created by MacOS) prevents # dd from being able to access the whole device due to the fact that # slice 2 is regular slice (not the 'backup' one). # This is not a problem on x86 where USB stick is being accessed via p0 # device node, since p0 always covers the whole available space on the device. # if [[ "$isa" == "sparc" ]]; then disk_name=${s0cdev#/dev/rdsk/} disk_name=${disk_name%s0} format -e -L vtoc -d "$disk_name" > /dev/null (( $? != 0 )) && { echo Failed to label USB stick. ; exit 1; } fi # Legacy x86 image needs more work. if ! $isddable ; then # lofi mount the USB image file into a temp dir usbmntpt="$(mktemp -d)" usbdev="$(lofiadm -a "${img}")" || \ error_handler "Failed to lofiadm ${img}" mount -F ufs -o ro $usbdev $usbmntpt || \ error_handler "Failed to mount ${usbdev} on ${usbmntpt}" haslegacygrub=false if [ -f $usbmntpt/boot/grub/grub.cfg ] ; then # GRUB2 setup_grub2 zerodev=${p2bdev} elif [ -f $usbmntpt/boot/grub/menu.lst ] ; then # Legacy GRUB # Install fdisk table with Solaris using entire disk, default VTOC error_handler "Legacy boot image not supported by this version of usbcopy" else error_handler "Failed to find boot loader configuration" fi # Remove the PBR from the Solaris partition to ensure no stray data confuses # some BIOSes dd if=/dev/zero of=${zerodev} count=1 > /dev/null 2>&1 (( $? != 0 )) && { echo Failed to zero Solaris PBR on USB device. ; exit 1; } # Now create root partition. We want to find number of cylinders # in backup partition from label created by fdisk and then generate # root partition using whole disk minus cylinder 1. acyls=$(prtvtoc $dev | awk '/accessible/{print $2}') cyls=$((acyls - 1)) format -e $dev >/dev/null <<EOF partition 0 root wm 1 ${cyls}c label 0 y EOF fi # Copy image to USB. echo "Copying and verifying image to USB device" SECONDS=0 # For now, copy in 16k chunks, 4MB at a time # NOTE: To avoid problems, cmb should be >= 1 and bs should evenly # divide into csz. bs=$((16 << 10)) cmb=4 csz=$((cmb << 20)) bcnt=$((csz / bs)) icnt=$((isz / cmb)) maxt=3 i=0 retries=0 while ((i <= icnt)); do tries=0 pcnt="($((i * 100 / icnt))%)" s=$((i * bcnt)) echo -ne "R $i / $icnt $pcnt \\r" imgsum=$(dd bs=$bs count=$bcnt conv=sync \ iseek=$s if=$img 2>/dev/null | digest -a md5) (($? != 0)) && { echo Read from image failed. ; exit 1; } while ((tries++ < maxt)); do echo -ne "W $i / $icnt $pcnt \\r" recs=$(dd bs=$bs count=$bcnt conv=sync iseek=$s oseek=$s \ if=$img of=$ddcdev 2>&1 | awk -F+ '/records out/{print $1}') (($? != 0)) && { echo Write to device failed. ; exit 1; } echo -ne "V $i / $icnt $pcnt \\r" if [[ "$isa" == "i386" ]]; then devsum=$(dd bs=$bs count=$recs iseek=$s if=$ddcdev 2>/dev/null | digest -a md5) fi if [[ "$isa" == "sparc" ]]; then devsum=$(dd bs=$bs count=$recs conv=sync iseek=$s if=$ddcdev 2>/dev/null | digest -a md5) fi (($? != 0)) && { echo Read from device failed. ; exit 1; } [[ "$imgsum" == "$devsum" ]] && break; done ((tries > 1)) && ((retries++)) if ((tries > maxt)); then echo "Verification failed after $maxt attempts on block $i" exit 1 fi ((i++)) done speed="$((isz / SECONDS)).$((isz * 10 / SECONDS % 10))MB/s" echo "Finished $isz MB in $SECONDS seconds ($speed)" # Cleanup things. cleanup echo "Successfully completed copy to USB" exit 0