Hallo, dies ist ein Test.
PWD: /www/data-lst1/unixsoft/unixsoft/kaempfer/.public_html
Running in File Mode
Relative path: ./../.././../../.././.././bin/pkglint
Real path: /usr/bin/pkglint
#!/usr/bin/python3.7 -BEs # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Copyright (c) 2010, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. # import pkg.no_site_packages import codecs import logging import six import sys import os import gettext import locale import traceback import warnings from optparse import OptionParser from pkg.client.api_errors import InvalidPackageErrors from pkg import VERSION from pkg.misc import PipeError from pkg.client.pkgdefs import EXIT_OK, EXIT_OOPS, EXIT_BADOPT import pkg.lint.engine as engine import pkg.lint.log as log import pkg.fmri as fmri import pkg.manifest import pkg.misc as misc import pkg.client.api_errors as apx import pkg.client.transport.exception as tx logger = None def error(message=""): """Emit an error message prefixed by the command name. """ misc.emsg("pkglint: {0}".format(message)) if logger is not None: logger.error(_("Error: {0}").format(message)) def msg(message): logger.info(message) def debug(message): logger.debug(message) def main_func(): """Start pkglint.""" global logger usage = \ _("\n" " %prog [-b branch] [-c cache_dir] [-f file]\n" " [-l uri ...] [-p regexp] [-r uri ...] [-v]\n" " [-e extension_path ...]\n" " manifest ...\n" " %prog -L") parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-b", dest="release", metavar="branch", help=_("branch to use from lint and reference repositories")) parser.add_option("-c", dest="cache", metavar="dir", help=_("directory to use as a repository cache")) parser.add_option("-f", dest="config", metavar="file", help=_("specify an alternative pkglintrc file")) parser.add_option("-l", dest="lint_uris", metavar="uri", action="append", help=_("lint repository URI")) parser.add_option("-L", dest="list_checks", action="store_true", help=_("list checks configured for this session and exit")) parser.add_option("-p", dest="pattern", metavar="regexp", help=_("pattern to match FMRIs in lint URI")) parser.add_option("-r", dest="ref_uris", metavar="uri", action="append", help=_("reference repository URI")) parser.add_option("-e", dest="extension_path", metavar="dir", action="append", help=_("extension_path")) parser.add_option("-v", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help=_("produce verbose output, overriding settings in pkglintrc")) opts, args = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:]) # without a cache option, we can't access repositories, so expect # local manifests. if not (opts.cache or opts.list_checks) and not args: parser.error( _("Required -c option missing, no local manifests provided." )) pattern = opts.pattern opts.ref_uris = _make_list(opts.ref_uris) opts.lint_uris = _make_list(opts.lint_uris) logger = logging.getLogger("pkglint") ch = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) if opts.verbose: logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) ch.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) ch.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(ch) lint_logger = log.PlainLogFormatter() try: if not opts.list_checks: msg(_("Lint engine setup...")) lint_engine = engine.LintEngine(lint_logger, config_file=opts.config, verbose=opts.verbose, extension_path=opts.extension_path) if opts.list_checks: list_checks(lint_engine.checkers, lint_engine.excluded_checkers, opts.verbose) return EXIT_OK if (opts.lint_uris or opts.ref_uris) and not opts.cache: parser.error( _("Required -c option missing when using " "repositories.")) manifests = [] if len(args) >= 1: manifests = read_manifests(args, lint_logger) if None in manifests or \ lint_logger.produced_lint_msgs(): error(_("Fatal error in manifest - exiting.")) return EXIT_OOPS lint_engine.setup(ref_uris=opts.ref_uris, lint_uris=opts.lint_uris, lint_manifests=manifests, cache=opts.cache, pattern=pattern, release=opts.release) msg(_("Starting lint run...")) lint_engine.execute() lint_engine.teardown() lint_logger.close() except engine.LintEngineSetupException as err: # errors during setup are likely to be caused by bad # input or configuration, not lint errors in manifests. error(err) return EXIT_BADOPT except engine.LintEngineException as err: error(err) return EXIT_OOPS if lint_logger.produced_lint_msgs(): return EXIT_OOPS else: return EXIT_OK def list_checks(checkers, exclude, verbose=False): """Prints a human-readable version of configured checks.""" # used for justifying output width = 28 def get_method_desc(method, verbose): if "pkglint_desc" in method.__dict__ and not verbose: return method.pkglint_desc else: return "{0}.{1}.{2}".format(method.__self__.__class__.__module__, method.__self__.__class__.__name__, method.__func__.__name__) def emit(name, value): msg("{0} {1}".format(name.ljust(width), value)) def print_list(items): k = list(items.keys()) k.sort() for lint_id in k: emit(lint_id, items[lint_id]) include_items = {} exclude_items = {} for checker in checkers: for m, lint_id in checker.included_checks: include_items[lint_id] = get_method_desc(m, verbose) for checker in exclude: for m, lint_id in checker.excluded_checks: exclude_items[lint_id] = get_method_desc(m, verbose) for m, lint_id in checker.included_checks: exclude_items[lint_id] = get_method_desc(m, verbose) for checker in checkers: for m, lint_id in checker.excluded_checks: exclude_items[lint_id] = get_method_desc(m, verbose) if include_items or exclude_items: if verbose: emit(_("NAME"), _("METHOD")) else: emit(_("NAME"), _("DESCRIPTION")) print_list(include_items) if exclude_items: msg(_("\nExcluded checks:")) print_list(exclude_items) def read_manifests(names, lint_logger): """Read a list of filenames, return a list of Manifest objects.""" manifests = [] for filename in names: data = None # borrowed code from publish.py lines = [] # giant string of all input lines linecnts = [] # tuples of starting line no., ending line no linecounter = 0 # running total try: f = codecs.open(filename, "rb", "utf-8") data = f.read() except UnicodeDecodeError as e: lint_logger.critical(_("Invalid file {file}: " "manifest not encoded in UTF-8: {err}").format( file=filename, err=e), msgid="lint.manifest002") continue except IOError as e: lint_logger.critical(_("Unable to read manifest file " "{file}: {err}").format(file=filename, err=e), msgid="lint.manifest001") continue lines.append(data) linecnt = len(data.splitlines()) linecnts.append((linecounter, linecounter + linecnt)) linecounter += linecnt manifest = pkg.manifest.Manifest() try: manifest.set_content(content="\n".join(lines)) except pkg.actions.ActionError as e: lineno = e.lineno for i, tup in enumerate(linecnts): if lineno > tup[0] and lineno <= tup[1]: lineno -= tup[0] break else: lineno = "???" lint_logger.critical( _("Error in {file} line: {ln}: {err} ").format( file=filename, ln=lineno, err=str(e)), "lint.manifest002") manifest = None except InvalidPackageErrors as e: lint_logger.critical( _("Error in file {file}: {err}").format( file=filename, err=str(e)), "lint.manifest002") manifest = None if manifest and "pkg.fmri" in manifest: try: manifest.fmri = \ pkg.fmri.PkgFmri(manifest["pkg.fmri"]) except fmri.IllegalFmri as e: lint_logger.critical( _("Error in file {file}: " "{err}").format( file=filename, err=e), "lint.manifest002") if manifest.fmri: if not manifest.fmri.version: lint_logger.critical( _("Error in file {0}: " "pkg.fmri does not include a " "version string").format(filename), "lint.manifest003") else: manifests.append(manifest) elif manifest: lint_logger.critical( _("Manifest {0} does not declare fmri.").format(filename), "lint.manifest003") else: manifests.append(None) return manifests def _make_list(opt): """Makes a list out of opt, and returns it.""" if isinstance(opt, list): return opt elif opt is None: return [] else: return [opt] if __name__ == "__main__": misc.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "", error) gettext.install("pkg", "/usr/share/locale", codeset=locale.getpreferredencoding()) misc.set_fd_limits(printer=error) if six.PY3: # disable ResourceWarning: unclosed file warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=ResourceWarning) try: __ret = main_func() except (PipeError, KeyboardInterrupt): # We don't want to display any messages here to prevent # possible further broken pipe (EPIPE) errors. __ret = EXIT_BADOPT except SystemExit as __e: __ret = __e.code except (apx.InvalidDepotResponseException, tx.TransportFailures) as __e: error(__e) __ret = EXIT_BADOPT except: traceback.print_exc() error(misc.get_traceback_message()) __ret = 99 sys.exit(__ret)