Hallo, dies ist ein Test.
PWD: /www/data-lst1/unixsoft/unixsoft/kaempfer/.public_html
Running in File Mode
Relative path: ./../.././.././../../.././bin/pkgmogrify
Real path: /usr/bin/pkgmogrify
#!/usr/bin/python3.7 -Es # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # Copyright (c) 2009, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. # import pkg.no_site_packages import getopt import gettext import locale import six import sys import traceback import warnings import pkg.misc as misc import pkg.mogrify as mog from pkg.misc import PipeError from pkg.client.pkgdefs import EXIT_OK, EXIT_OOPS, EXIT_BADOPT, EXIT_PARTIAL def usage(errmsg="", exitcode=EXIT_BADOPT): """Emit a usage message and optionally prefix it with a more specific error message. Causes program to exit.""" if errmsg: print("pkgmogrify: {0}".format(errmsg), file=sys.stderr) print(_("""\ Usage: pkgmogrify [-vi] [-I includedir ...] [-D macro=value ...] [-O outputfile] [-P printfile] [inputfile ...]""")) sys.exit(exitcode) def error(text, exitcode=EXIT_OOPS): """Emit an error message prefixed by the command name """ print("pkgmogrify: {0}".format(text), file=sys.stderr) if exitcode != None: sys.exit(exitcode) def main_func(): outfilename = None printfilename = None verbose = False ignoreincludes = False includes = [] macros = {} printinfo = [] output = [] try: opts, pargs = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ivD:I:O:P:?", ["help"]) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "-D": if "=" not in arg: error(_("macros must be of form name=value")) a = arg.split("=", 1) if a[0] == "": error(_("macros must be of form name=value")) macros.update([("$({0})".format(a[0]), a[1])]) if opt == "-i": ignoreincludes = True if opt == "-I": includes.append(arg) if opt == "-O": outfilename = arg if opt == "-P": printfilename = arg if opt == "-v": verbose = True if opt in ("--help", "-?"): usage(exitcode=EXIT_OK) except getopt.GetoptError as e: usage(_("illegal global option -- {0}").format(e.opt)) try: mog.process_mog(pargs, ignoreincludes, verbose, includes, macros, printinfo, output, error_cb=error) except RuntimeError as e: sys.exit(EXIT_OOPS) try: if printfilename == None: printfile = sys.stdout else: printfile = open(printfilename, "w") for p in printinfo: print("{0}".format(p), file=printfile) except IOError as e: error(_("Cannot write extra data {0}").format(e)) try: if outfilename == None: outfile = sys.stdout else: outfile = open(outfilename, "w") emitted = set() for comment, actionlist, prepended_macro in output: if comment: for l in comment: print("{0}".format(l), file=outfile) for i, action in enumerate(actionlist): if action is None: continue if prepended_macro is None: s = "{0}".format(action) else: s = "{0}{1}".format(prepended_macro, action) # The first action is the original action and # should be printed; later actions are all # emitted and should only be printed if not # duplicates. if i == 0: print(s, file=outfile) elif s not in emitted: print(s, file=outfile) emitted.add(s) except IOError as e: error(_("Cannot write output {0}").format(e)) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": misc.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "", error) gettext.install("pkg", "/usr/share/locale", codeset=locale.getpreferredencoding()) misc.set_fd_limits(printer=error) # Make all warnings be errors. warnings.simplefilter('error') if six.PY3: # disable ResourceWarning: unclosed file warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=ResourceWarning) try: exit_code = main_func() except (PipeError, KeyboardInterrupt): exit_code = EXIT_OOPS except SystemExit as __e: exit_code = __e except Exception as __e: traceback.print_exc() error(misc.get_traceback_message(), exitcode=None) exit_code = 99 sys.exit(exit_code)