Hallo, dies ist ein Test.
PWD: /www/data-lst1/unixsoft/unixsoft/kaempfer/.public_html
Running in File Mode
Relative path: ././../../../../../../sbin/ibdiscover.pl
Real path: /usr/sbin/ibdiscover.pl
#!/usr/perl5/5.36/bin/perl printf (STDERR "*** WARNING ***; this command is deprecated;\n"); printf (STDERR " see ibnetdiscover cache features\n"); printf (STDERR " and/or iblinkinfo \"check\" features\n\n"); # # Read mapfile # open(MAP, "< ibdiscover.map"); while (<MAP>) { ($pre, $port, $desc) = split /\|/; $val{$pre} = $desc; # print "Ack1 - $pre - $port - $desc\n"; } close(MAP); # # Read old topo map in # open(TOPO, "< ibdiscover.topo"); $topomap = 0; while (<TOPO>) { $topomap = 1; ($localPort, $localGuid, $remotePort, $remoteGuid) = split /\|/; chomp $remoteGuid; $var = sprintf("%s|%2s|%2s|%s", $localGuid, $localPort, $remotePort, $remoteGuid); $topo{$var} = 1; # ${$pre} = $desc; # print "Ack1 - $pre - $port - $desc\n"; } close(TOPO); # # Read stdin and output enhanced output # # Search and replace =0x???? with value # Search and replace -000???? with value open(TOPO2, " >ibdiscover.topo.new"); while (<STDIN>) { ($a, $b, $local, $d) = /([sh])([\s\S]*)=0x([a-f\d]*)([\s\S]*)/; if ($local ne "") { printf( "\n%s GUID: %s %s\n", ($a eq "s" ? "Switch" : "Host"), $local, $val{$local} ); chomp $local; $localGuid = $local; } else { ($localPort, $type, $remoteGuid, $remotePort) = /([\s\S]*)"([SH])\-([a-f\d]*)"([\s\S]*)\n/; ($localPort) = $localPort =~ /\[(\d*)]/; ($remotePort) = $remotePort =~ /\[(\d*)]/; $remoteGuid =~ s/^0*//; if ($remoteGuid ne "" && $localPort ne "") { printf(TOPO2 "%d|%s|%d|%s\n", $localPort, $localGuid, $remotePort, $remoteGuid); $var = sprintf("%s|%2s|%2s|%s", $localGuid, $localPort, $remotePort, $remoteGuid); $topo{$var} += 1; printf( "Local: %2s Remote: %2s %7s GUID: %s Location: %s\n", $localPort, $remotePort, ($type eq "H" ? "Host" : "Switch"), $remoteGuid, ($val{$remoteGuid} ne "" ? $val{$remoteGuid} : $remoteGuid) ); } } } close(STDIN); close(TOPO2); printf("\nDelta change in topo (change between successive runs)\n\n"); foreach $el (keys %topo) { if ($topo{$el} < 2 || $topomap == 0) { ($lg, $lp, $rp, $rg) = split(/\|/, $el); printf( "Link change: Local/Remote Port %2d/%2d Local/Remote GUID: %s/%s\n", $lp, $rp, $lg, $rg); printf("\tLocations: Local/Remote\n\t\t%s\n\t\t%s\n\n", $val{$lg}, $val{$rg}); } } printf (STDERR "*** WARNING ***; this command is deprecated;\n"); printf (STDERR " see ibnetdiscover cache features\n"); printf (STDERR " and/or iblinkinfo \"check\" features\n\n");