Hallo, dies ist ein Test.
PWD: /www/data-lst1/unixsoft/unixsoft/kaempfer/.public_html
Running in File Mode
Relative path: ./../../../../../data-stud/../../bin/proc_tracedata
Real path: /usr/bin/proc_tracedata
#!/usr/bin/bash # # Copyright 2008 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved. # Use is subject to license terms. # # Script to process trace output data into a sorted list suitable for use # in constructing an optimized ISO with mkisofs -sort. See mkisofs(8) for more # information. # if [ $# != 2 ] then echo "proc_tracedata <iosnoop output> <output file>" exit 1 fi cat $1 | egrep -v "xkblayout|unknown|librt|libm|iosnp|etc|PATHNAME|zlib|sched|dtrace|repository|var|libc|bsnp|sout|devices" | nawk ' BEGIN { path = ""; amt = 0 } { if ($8 ~ /<none>/) { cpath = $9 } else { cpath = $8 } if (match(cpath, "^/usr") > 0) { cmd=sprintf("/usr/bin/test -d %s", cpath, cpath) rv=system(cmd) if (rv > 0) { if (match(cpath, /\\0$/) > 0) { cpath = sub(/\\0$/, "", cpath); } if (length(path) > 0) { re = "^" path "$" if (match(cpath, re) > 0) { amt += $7 } else { print amt, path amt = $7 path = cpath } } else { path = cpath amt = $7 } } } } END { if (length(path) > 0) { print amt, path } } ' | sed 's/ \// /' > /tmp/slist.$$ /usr/bin/proc_slist /tmp/slist.$$ > $2